Powerful Words

Written by Greg Woodley

Continued from page 1

“After you use our product you’ll understand it’s many benefits” (the inferences being that they will userepparttar product and it has more than one benefit)

“Before you decide which ofrepparttar 127098 many benefits that our product offers isrepparttar 127099 most important in relation to your purchasing decision let me tell you a few things that might help.” (The inferences are that they will decide on a benefit that is important to them and that our product offers many benefits.)

“Duringrepparttar 127100 first few months of experiencing our service you’ll likely become more aware ofrepparttar 127101 many ways in which we offer substantially more than our competitors.” ( The inference being that they will userepparttar 127102 service and it is more than a little better thanrepparttar 127103 competitors in a number of ways.)

Before I go any further how much of this have you grasped, so far ? Can you see how this will naturally make your communication more vital and alive and can you guess how much more effective your communication will become once you have masteredrepparttar 127104 use of these words. Does this sound like something you need to practice ?

“From amongrepparttar 127105 many positive benefits that you are starting to realize our service offers, which ones are likely to give yourepparttar 127106 most benefit ? ”

“As you expandrepparttar 127107 range of products you buy from us and our business collaboration moves beyond it’s current boundaries what do you see asrepparttar 127108 best way we can easily move forward torepparttar 127109 next level ?”

I already discussedrepparttar 127110 power ofrepparttar 127111 word “because” in YSS edition #2, so I wont go through it again. If you want to review that issue just click here.

The word ”cause” can function much like ”because” in many situations. Along with “As” and “And ” they are example of “cause and effect statements”. Here are some examples.

“Simply making that statement causes you to understand why you already don’t believe it.” ( every time they make that statement they’ll doubt it )

“As you start to assimilaterepparttar 127112 information we have provided you will begin to recognizerepparttar 127113 many ways that our product can help in your process.”

The last two words on our list “Now ” and “Stop” are really commands that can be used to great effect. These words work better if you speak them louder and in a deeper voice tone. It also helps to actually stop speaking when you utterrepparttar 127114 word “Stop”. Like below. ( emphasiserepparttar 127115 words in bold )

“You may be consideringrepparttar 127116 effort you need to switch to our product. May I suggest that you just STOP…………….. NOW considerrepparttar 127117 many advantages our product will easily bring to your production process and allrepparttar 127118 positive effects that will have on your bottom line.”

“We’ve been back and forth a lot with this agreement and perhaps it’s time-- NOW – to consider how we can most easily finalise this deal to our mutual benefit. Now, that seems reasonable, doesn’t it ?”

How do you go about talking like this and utilizing these powerful words ?

You practice by writing out sentences employing these words.

Here’s how to practice. First, think about a specific sales call you have coming up. Then think about some ofrepparttar 127119 comments you are likely to make during that meeting. ( Use your imagination and run throughrepparttar 127120 meeting in your mind. ) Write downrepparttar 127121 things you would say. Now, rewriterepparttar 127122 sentences insertingrepparttar 127123 powerful words. You’ll noticerepparttar 127124 power words are grouped inrepparttar 127125 list above. Take one group at a time and try to incorporaterepparttar 127126 power words intorepparttar 127127 sentences you would have spoken. ( This may seem clumsy at first likerepparttar 127128 process you went through acquiring many new skills inrepparttar 127129 past and wasn’t that momentary discomfort back then well worthrepparttar 127130 eventual progress you made ?) Don’t addrepparttar 127131 words in, actually rewriterepparttar 127132 sentence. Write up to a page on each group. Then rewriterepparttar 127133 sentences again allowing yourselfrepparttar 127134 freedom to use any ofrepparttar 127135 power words in any ofrepparttar 127136 sentences. Really pack them in !

Repeat this process for one sales call a day or just dorepparttar 127137 exercise once a day for a month and you’ll likely notice how naturally and easily you can speak usingrepparttar 127138 power words.

You may have been wondering where this issue was heading. How useful these words would be. And, as you consider just that, you may find yourself just naturally beginning to experience excitement about whatrepparttar 127139 future holds for you as you begin to understand how easily you can incorporate these words into your sales language, allowing you to enhance your sales results and move beyondrepparttar 127140 past sales limitations you had before you masteredrepparttar 127141 skill of using language to directrepparttar 127142 thinking of your customer. Now, asrepparttar 127143 realization begins to sink in of how easily and rapidly your sales results will improve, that will cause you get excited about practicingrepparttar 127144 use ofrepparttar 127145 power words. Now…..

Happy practicing.

Here's to YourSalesSuccess.

For more information go to www.sellingandpersuasiontechniques.com

Greg has been selling for 23 years and has negotiated supply contracts to import goods from the USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Netherlands and Japan. He has sold as much as $7million in a year. His worst ever result was 94% of budgeted sales and 99% of budgeted profit. He is now semi-retired at the age of 46.

If the Shoe Fits…

Written by Dave Gonzalez

Continued from page 1

So how do you find a pair of shoes that are suited to your unique foot shape and size? It’s not as easy as it sounds. Just follow these steps:

1. Haverepparttar salesperson measure your feet. He or she should measure bothrepparttar 127097 length and width of each of your feet. Your feet will likely be slightly different in size, and it is important to know this when you’re seekingrepparttar 127098 ideal comfortable shoe.

2. Userepparttar 127099 larger foot’s size. While you can use an insole to make a shoe that is a bit too big fit your smaller foot, you’ll only hurt your larger foot by stuffing it into a shoe that is a bit too small.

3. Makerepparttar 127100 shoe fit your toes and your heel. There should be enough room to wiggle, but not enough to slip around.

4. Walk aboutrepparttar 127101 store to be sure that there isn’t any pinching or slipping.

5. Don’t assume thatrepparttar 127102 shoe will break in. Have them fit when you buy them.

When it all comes down to it, shoes are your foot’s best friend. Don’t let your tootsies down!

Dave Gonzalez http://www.worlds-largest-shoe-store.com/

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