Power Tool Safety

Written by Dave markel

Continued from page 1

Keep your power tools in good working order especially saw blades. The sharper a saw blade isrepparttar less effort it take repparttar 116265 tool to performrepparttar 116266 cut and this reducesrepparttar 116267 effort you need to use to feedrepparttar 116268 wood throughrepparttar 116269 tool. If you are having to force a piece of wood through a table saw it increasesrepparttar 116270 chance of you slipping and injuring yourself.

Do Not work in your shop if your have been drinking or taking medication. Both can alter your perception and increaserepparttar 116271 likely hood of an injury.

Prepare forrepparttar 116272 worst. Remember after you are injure is too late to be trying to think of what to do. The adrenalin will be flowing andrepparttar 116273 chance of shock is always present.

Before you get injured post a plan in your shop for dealing with an emergency. It should haverepparttar 116274 numbers for an ambulance as well as a neighbor or a friend that can assist you if needed. Also, have a phone in your shop with an emergency number set to speed dial. Have a fully stocked first aid kit in your shop to deal with any emergencies and some knowledge of how to dress an injury if needed.

Focus ofrepparttar 116275 task. It is not a good idea to work inrepparttar 116276 shop when your mind is distracted. This can lead to inattention and accidents. It is ok to relax and unwind inrepparttar 116277 shop but not whilerepparttar 116278 tools are turned on. Unplug tools when not in use or when changing attachments and servicing. It is also a good idea to lock out your power in your shop when you are not using it. This will prevent children from accidentally turning onrepparttar 116279 tools and injuring themselves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dave Markel isrepparttar 116280 author of "The All Wood Working Journal". He has helped hundreds of individuals improve their wood working skills. Visit his site at http://all-wood-working-plans.com Subscribe torepparttar 116281 All Wood Working Journal at http://all-wood-working-plans.com/wood-working-tips.html

Dave Markel is the author of "The All Wood Working Journal". He has helped hundreds of individuals improve their wood working skills. Visit his site at http://all-wood-working-plans.com Subscribe to the All Wood Working Journal at http://all-wood-working-plans.com/wood-working-tips.html

How To Make Satin Pillowcase for Mother's Day

Written by Mary Wilkins

Continued from page 1
Simply measure a pillow case you have on hand. Allow for 5/8" seam allowances and a deep hem atrepparttar opening. Cut 2 pces. of satinrepparttar 116264 size of your pillow case. Put right sides together and stitch around 3 sides. Turn hem at open end and add lace to finish it off. You can make several up in pretty colours. Embellish to your hearts content, just make sure it is all washable.

Mary Wilkins is the mother of 3 grown children and grandmother of 6 perfect grandchildren. She is also the owner/editor of http://sew-whats-new.com

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