Potty Training Your Puppy

Written by Timothy Robinson

Continued from page 1

Guess what, he will do it again. So, make a game out of it, getrepparttar kids involved and when he starts to go, repeatrepparttar 141460 routine, acting immediately and firmly.

Puppies tend to berepparttar 141461 center of attention at first, especially with kids, so there is usually someone at hand to scoldrepparttar 141462 puppy in a gentle manner and immediately remove him torepparttar 141463 designated site.

This method is a quick and effective method in toilet training any puppy, who, withrepparttar 141464 right amount of attention and praise, will be toilet trained in no time at all.

It's important to catchrepparttar 141465 puppy inrepparttar 141466 act. Coming home and findingrepparttar 141467 mess a couple of hours later and then getting upset and scoldingrepparttar 141468 puppy will only make your job harder and confuserepparttar 141469 puppy. What then, you may wonder? Well, a method that has worked for me is to carryrepparttar 141470 puppy torepparttar 141471 offending deposit, gently but firmly placing his nose intorepparttar 141472 substance and saying firmly "No No or Bad Bad", you getrepparttar 141473 drift, and immediately carrying puppy out torepparttar 141474 site. This method is notrepparttar 141475 favored method, but it is effective if done properly.

Timothy Robinson is the owner of PetGiftsandToys.com.

Cat Anxiety and Cat Litter Box Problems

Written by Nancy E. Wigal

Continued from page 1

Onrepparttar other hand, she may adjust with no reaction whatsoever, because she realizes you're still coming home at night, and she's getting love and delicious cat food from you.

A trip torepparttar 141438 vet:

This ranks high on any kitty's list of terrors! The loud noises,repparttar 141439 strange smells, and unknown people handling her can be very stressful. Once you get kitty home fromrepparttar 141440 awful place where she's stuck with things in unmentionable places, you may want to confine her to a quiet location in your home for a few hours. Give her food, water, a clean cat litter box, and her toys. She'll generally be just fine in less than half a day.

What arerepparttar 141441 solutions for these situational anxiety problems?

Many feline owners have discovered natural flowering essences and synthetic feline pheronomes are very effective in alleviating cat anxiety. Some ofrepparttar 141442 more popular ones are Bach's Rescue Remedy, Nerve Ease, Calm Supplement, andrepparttar 141443 Feliway Comfort Zone Plug in modules.

Bach's, Nerve Ease, and Calm are liquid compounds that can be administered directly into your cat's food or water. A few drops twice a day make a big difference for most anxious cats.

The Feliway Comfort Zone Plug in modules are synthetic feline pheronomes that calm cats down. The Feliway module plugs directly in your electrical wall socket. The pheronomes are then diffused, or transmitted throughoutrepparttar 141444 room. Many cat owners buy several of these of these plug in modules, and install them in kitty's favorite rooms throughout their house. Each bottle lasts approximately 30 days.

All of these solutions are effective within several hours of administration. You can use them singly, or combine them. My cat Scout, improved noticeably within 24 hours of gettingrepparttar 141445 natural flowering essences in her food, andrepparttar 141446 installation ofrepparttar 141447 Feliway modules.

For any feline anxiety based on situations, try eitherrepparttar 141448 natural flowering essences orrepparttar 141449 Feliway Plug in modules. One orrepparttar 141450 other work very well for most cats.

The Cat Urine Odor Advisor helps you save money and stop the damage in your household by offering solutions that work together to eliminate cat urine odor from your home.


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