Potassium and the dialysis patient

Written by Stuart Drew

Continued from page 1

“So what are these foods I should be avoiding?” I hear you ask. Whilst this list provides some ofrepparttar foods that may put you intorepparttar 142379 danger zone, it is by no means a comprehensive list. It should also be noted here that very few foods should be considered completely “off limits”, just because you are on dialysis, doesn’t mean that your life must stop and that you shouldn’t be able to enjoy some of it’s finer offerings.

The list: All meats, poultry and fish,. apricots (fresh more so than canned), avocado, banana, cantaloupe, honeydew, Kiwi Fruit, lima beans, milk, oranges and orange juice, potatoes, prunes, spinach, tomatoes, vegetables and vegetable juice .

Your next question should be: “But that seems like a lot of vegetables, what can I do to lowerrepparttar 142380 potassium level in vegetables?” I’m glad you asked again! To lowerrepparttar 142381 content in vegetables, simply cutrepparttar 142382 vegetables up into small pieces, and boil them well in a saucepan then drain them thoroughly.

Hopefully this has given you some idea of what symptoms to look out for, what foods to avoid, and generally how to live with a low potassium diet. For more information, talk to your dietician, clinical nurse, or doctor.

About the author: Stuart Drew is a 34 year old dialysis patient from Adelaide, Australia. He is a part time web geek, and runs the website therenalunit.com - a news service for all issues relating to kidney disease and dialysis. He can be contacted at stuart@stuartdrew.com

Natural Help For Dry Skin

Written by Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

Continued from page 1

+ Some skin care products contain humectants. Humectants are substances which attract water torepparttar skin to hold in moisture. Vegetable glycerine, vitamin B5 and vitamin E are all natural humectants.

+ Some skin care products also contain herbs. Comfrey, chickweed, calendula and aloe vera may help relieve dry skin when applied daily. Sometimes skin care products will contain both humectants andrepparttar 142378 herbs. This is a great choice. Put on your dry skin areas at least twice a day.

Jeannie Crabtree brings you health and wellness advice. Visit her Healthy Living Blog for more health tips http://www.health-doc.com/blog/health-blog.html

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