Postcards Work

Written by Steve Conn

Continued from page 1

Postcards Work.

c) No hurry.

People tend to drag their feet after they decide to buy something. The longer they wait to purchaserepparttar more likely they are to forget why your product or service is valuable or even absolutely necessary to them. Keep your message in front of them with repetitive mailings. If you don't...You'll loserepparttar 119794 business. The reason repetitive mailings are so effective is that they remind your customers and prospects of what they are missing by not having your product or service working for them in their life. You can avoid losing sales because of "no hurry" by rewarding customers for taking immediate action and penalizing those who don't. For example, offer a special discount price or a special bonus for ordering before a deadline.

Do repetitive mailings to targeted customers and prospects and you will make more sales.

Postcards Work.

d) No trust.

Most people's fear of losing something is a bigger concern than getting something that they want. This fear causes them to frequently avoid buying something they truly want.

They don't want to buy and then find out that your product or service won't solve their problem. They don't want to be or even feel ripped off or still at a loss overrepparttar 119795 solution to their problem.

You must take away their risk in doing business with you. You must provide a way that they can "trust" you.

If you don't they won't buy and you will lose business.

Most people fear losing something they have more than they desire gaining something they want. This fear causes many people to avoid buying something they really want. They're reluctant to buy because they might not get what they expect from your product or service and they'll lose their money. You have to remove this perceived risk to avoid losing business because of "no trust". Here are 3 ways I've found effective for any business... 1.Eliminaterepparttar 119796 risk with an unconditional money back guarantee. 2.Give them testimonials from satisfied customers and/or provide references that proverepparttar 119797 quality and reliability of your product or service.

3.Make it easy for your prospects and customers to communicate with you and get their questions and concerns answered. Let them see you and your business are real and that you value getting and keeping their trust and present and future business. These are reallyrepparttar 119798 only 4 reasons why people don't buy from you. You can increase your sales and profits by knowing them and doing everything you can to mail your postcards torepparttar 119799 people and businesses most likely to want and benefit from your products and services, make it clear to them how valuablerepparttar 119800 benefits of your products and services are to them, get them to seerepparttar 119801 urgency of gettingrepparttar 119802 value of your products and services now and finally that they can trust you to help them getrepparttar 119803 benefits you promised your products and services would give them.

When you do all these things, guess what? People will buy from you like crazy. Postcards are a perfect low cost medium to overcomerepparttar 119804 4 reasons people don't buy from you.

Use postcards in repetitive mailings and make your business soar.

Don't ever forget.


Steve Conn, a Marketing Consultant, consulted PostcardMania before it could afford its own in-house full-time marketing director. Joy Gendusa founded PostcardMania in 1998; her only assets a computer and a phone. In 2004 the company did close to $9 million in sales and employs over 60 persons. For more free marketing advice, visit her website at

More Marketing Dope

Written by Joy Gendusa

Continued from page 1

Think about whatrepparttar benefit of your product or service is and focus on that. If you are a computer maintenance company your product may be "server management and database maintenance" but you will be better off saying that you can help "increase office productivity by allowing easier access to client files". Many times your customers don’t understand your business. That is why they have to hire you. Make sure to explain to them not only what you do, but how it can help them.

When a customer gives you their email address you have one more way to get your message to them.

One ofrepparttar 119793 best ways to supplement Direct Mail Marketing is Direct Email Marketing. However, unlike direct mail marketing, unsolicited email marketing is illegal. You can’t just go out and buy a list of email addresses and start sending to them. There is one way to purchase lists for emailing called "opt in" lists but this method is not recommended becauserepparttar 119794 rate of people onrepparttar 119795 list that actually "opt in" to receiving your promo is very low. This is why you should always collect customers’ email addresses as you are getting their physical addresses.

Also be sure not to slam your customers with too much email promotion. I recommend not sending more than one email per week to each client. Not only will this keep you from angering your customers, it will also keep uprepparttar 119796 interest level and keep your emails from getting deleted before they are even opened.

If your company is planning on emailing specials or a Monthly Email Newsletter you will need to have this list for them to be effective. If you are not planning on contacting customers and prospects via email, you should be!

Joy Gendusa founded PostcardMania in 1998; her only assets a computer and a phone. In 2004 the company did close to $9 million in sales and employs over 60 persons. She attributes her explosive growth to her ability to choose incredible staff and her innate marketing savvy. Now she’s sharing her marketing secrets to others. For more free marketing advice, visit her website at

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