Post Your Job Positions on the Net

Written by Tamara Jong

Continued from page 1
job board(s) will save time and resources. It is an effective way of hiring. You can't expand your business without clients, however employees arerepparttar wheels which cause your business to run or not run, and allows business to function effectively and successfully. Advertising is a sign of growth and success. You can hope to attract talent by word of mouth. But, why leave your company’s future inrepparttar 124843 hands of hope? You need to be proactive and prepared. If you want someone to say, “ I want to work for this company!”, then you need to show them why. Inrepparttar 124844 end, it just makes perfect business sense. Many corporations have spearheaded themselves intorepparttar 124845 21st century by posting onrepparttar 124846 net and attracting quality candidates. What impression is your corporation making?

To post or not to post? That really shouldn’t berepparttar 124847 question.

Email Tamara

Tamara Jong is the Marketing Coordinator for Canjobs and handles the online content management for source for jobs in Canada

Virtual Assistance For Healthcare Professionals

Written by Rita Ballard

Continued from page 1

In comparison, when you hire a virtual assistant, you are hiring someone who already specializes inrepparttar type of work that you do, so you automatically eliminaterepparttar 124842 need for training. Virtual assistants work from their own offices and use their own supplies and office equipment. Virtual assistants pay their own taxes and insurance. And best of all, you only pay a virtual assistant forrepparttar 124843 hours worked.

Virtual assistants are flexible enough to be able to work onlyrepparttar 124844 hours that you will need them, on an as-needed basis. Some businesses contract for a certain amount of hours a month and are assured of having those hours reserved for them. Other people hire a virtual assistant on an occasional basis, perhaps if they have a project, mailing, or campaign coming up and needrepparttar 124845 extra assistance.

You can go onrepparttar 124846 Internet and find an unlimited number of people who provide office support services;repparttar 124847 difference is that virtual assistants have not onlyrepparttar 124848 administrative background, but alsorepparttar 124849 training in how to use that background in a global marketplace. Working with a virtual assistant gives yourepparttar 124850 benefits of having your own personal assistant withoutrepparttar 124851 extra costs and associated managerial headaches. Most virtual assistants are very flexible and will do whatever is needed to fulfill your administrative needs. For a lot of businesses, it isrepparttar 124852 most practical and cost-effective way to getrepparttar 124853 administrative work done.

Healthcare professionals who find themselves inrepparttar 124854 position of having an overflowing to-do box and wondering what to do about it, may be well advised to consider hiring a Virtual Assistant.

Rita Ballard, GVA, C.Ht. is a licensed hypnotherapist and the owner of Healer's Helper, a virtual assistance business providing administrative support services to healthcare professionals. For more information, please visit Virtually Restoring Balance, One Task At A Time!

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