Popular Business Misconceptions Cost You Money! -Part 2

Written by J. Stephen Pope

Continued from page 1

To save on payroll taxes and workers' compensation premiums, many employers arrange their affairs in such a way that those working for them are self-employed, independent contractors. This is good tax planning.

Onrepparttar other hand, some employers takerepparttar 106524 position that all those working for them are self-employed, whether they are or not. Although it is tempting to eliminate payroll taxes and workers' compensation premiums, care should be taken to do so legally.

Whether those working for you are employed or self-employed is a question of fact (which can be determined byrepparttar 106525 Courts). Do you supplyrepparttar 106526 tools and vehicles? Do you determinerepparttar 106527 working hours? Do you haverepparttar 106528 right to control howrepparttar 106529 job will be done? Do you pay a flat-rate or by-the-hour or a salary? Does your worker have other clients?

By asking several such questions, a pattern will emerge as to whether your worker is employed or self-employed. If it turns out that your worker fits allrepparttar 106530 criteria of an employee, don't say he's self-employed. On audit, you would still be responsible forrepparttar 106531 payroll taxes (and penalties and interest as well).

Even if your workers are considered independent contractors byrepparttar 106532 Income Tax Department, it is still possible that they will be considered to be "workers" for purposes of Workers' Compensation legislation. Thus, it is repparttar 106533 responsibility ofrepparttar 106534 employer to determine whether such coverage is necessary or not. Failure to obtain proper coverage could subject you to substantial (and unnecessary) costs.

In review, calling someone self-employed, doesn't necessarily make them self-employed. If you have a dog, call it a dog. Your position that your dog is really a cat will not be successful. Likewise, make sure that your position regarding your workers is legally correct.

Popular Misconception #8: ------------------------- "My Accountant Charges Too Much. -------------------------------- I Can't Afford It Anymore." --------------------------- Is Your Accountant Worth His Fee? ---------------------------------

Many business persons view bookkeeping, accounting, and tax preparation as necessary evils. In their view, accounting fees are an expense to be reduced, deferred or even completely eliminated.

A good accountant, however, can give you benefits far in excess ofrepparttar 106535 fees charged. Well-designed accounting systems will enable you to extract meaningful financial information for your business that will help you to manage it properly, avoid business failure, and alert you to declining sales, excessive expenses, tax opportunities, cashflow problems, and many other vital concerns for your business.

Your accountant can save you lots of money withrepparttar 106536 advice you receive on tax and other business matters. As well, a competent accountant can be a valuable resource in discussing business problems and opportunities with you.

Popular Misconception #9: ------------------------- "Nobody Makes Money On The Internet." ------------------------------------- Can You REALLY Profit From The Internet? ----------------------------------------

Many people feel thatrepparttar 106537 internet is all hype. Many others feel that it is overrated. Still others are ofrepparttar 106538 opinion that it may be good for some types of business, but not theirs.

Typical comments heard include: "I've lost money onrepparttar 106539 internet...Major corporations have lost millions...Do you personally know anyone who has made money fromrepparttar 106540 internet?"

However, if you check outrepparttar 106541 list of recent billionaires, a high proportion of these are internet-related, and many of them under forty years of age. As well asrepparttar 106542 very rich, you can find many cases of more modest financial prosperity resulting from internet commerce.

It is true that many are losing money onrepparttar 106543 internet. It is also true that many don't know what they're doing. However, withrepparttar 106544 proper assistance, you, too, could profit fromrepparttar 106545 net.

J. Stephen Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc., http://www.popeconsultinginc.com/ has been helping clients to earn maximum business profits for over twenty years.

For more valuable Work at Home Business Ideas, visit: http://www.yenommarketinginc.com/

Don't Go For Broke

Written by Peter Robben

Continued from page 1

Make A Six Month Survival Plan Give yourself some peace of mind by making a six-month survival plan. Once you know exactly what you will need to stay on top, your anxiety will lesson and your creativity will increase. This is a perfect example of being pro-active instead of reactive.

Understand The Ebb and Flow of Your Business Keep exact records of sales week-to-week and month-to-month every single year. By doing this you will begin to understand repparttar busy times and slow times of your business. In turn this will allow you to plan financially forrepparttar 106523 slow times. Every business has a slow period duringrepparttar 106524 year, it's important that you know what yours is in order to plan forrepparttar 106525 success of your business.

Diversify Your Marketing Techniques Do not depend on one marketing avenue to get you through tough times. Perhaps this one marketing technique has worked for you inrepparttar 106526 past, but obviously something has changed, and now so must you. Make a list of possible marketing avenues and begin researching which methods are most cost effective in relation to results.

Get Professional Help If You Need It Smart business people understand when they need outside help. Do you? If your business is doing more sinking than swimming it's time to seek a professional to help you put your business on stable ground. Many, many businesses have filed bankruptcy when it wasn't necessary. Professional financial mediators can help you with creditors and get your business moving inrepparttar 106527 right direction again.

A downward shift inrepparttar 106528 economy can cause heart-stopping reactions where your business is concerned, but once you learn how to work throughrepparttar 106529 situation you soon realize you and your business can weather any storm.

Peter Robben is a professional business mediator who helps business owners find solutions to debt, creditor problems, and financial insolvency. If your business is struggling, contact him today by first visiting www.WeSolveDebt.com

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