Pop-up from the Pulpit, Or , Osama bin Laid

Written by Kate Kaye

Continued from page 1
and his flock seem to have gone a bit overboard withrepparttar pop-up ad. But maybe, just maybe, they're on to something. Perhaps there is a direct correlation betweenrepparttar 127053 evils of pornography andrepparttar 127054 lascivious lifestyles that foster Taliban-sanctioned terrorism. Think about it: reporters say Osama and crew live in caves, but they're not caves. They're pleasure dens. Whenrepparttar 127055 media claim that these al Qaeda training camps are teaching troops to fire "stinger missiles," don't be fooled. The term "stinger missile" is a euphemism forrepparttar 127056 most potent, powerful weapon of all:repparttar 127057 love gun, people,repparttar 127058 penis! As for those Afghani women who shroud themselves from head-to-toe in burkas, do you know what they've got under all that concealing clothing? Nothing -- that's right! Those harlots are completely nude under there! And that supreme leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar: that tale about him losing an eye after being hit by Soviet shrapnel is a fallacy! We all know why he really went blind. You guessed it: too much masturbation!

So, maybe ifrepparttar 127059 U.S. Government funnels fewer funds into military operations and this so-called "homeland security" and more money intorepparttar 127060 war against pornography, we can truly ridrepparttar 127061 world ofrepparttar 127062 evil-doers. Of course, postingrepparttar 127063 Ten Commandments inrepparttar 127064 Supreme Court chambers wouldn't hurt either.

That's not all! For additional humorous, thought-provoking, ad & marketing commentary with bite, visit http://www.lowbrowlowdown.com.

Kate Kaye is a freelance writer who regularly covers the advertising and marketing industry. Her work has been published in AdAge, Business 2.0, Creativity, BrandEra's BrandNews, NewMedia, Revolution Magazine and other publications. Kate is also the author of The Lowbrow Lowdown, a syndicated commentary column focusing on advertising and marketing related topics. The humorous and thought-provoking Lowbrow Lowdown can be found online at http://www.LowbrowLowdown.com.

If Christmas is Rotten...

Written by Ruth Marlene Friesen

Continued from page 1

We - you and I are those clay pots. The hard times we have been through have worn us down, and given us permanent scars.

How do I get that treasure, you may ask. What is it?

This treasure is Jesus Christ Himself. When we choose to believe that Jesus isrepparttar Son of God, come to earth on that very first Christmas, He abides in us and will walk and talk with us, if we surrender our wills completely to Him. Devote yourself to Him 100% and be unashamed about letting Him shine through you. Whenrepparttar 127052 hard things come upon you, defer to Christ's way of handlingrepparttar 127053 matter.

Like if, Christmas should be a rotten time for you this next week. Stop yourself short and consider what would be Jesus' totally opposite way of coping. Then do that!

People will notice, though they may not grasp what's going on. you probably won't either, until you've done it some time and then look back....

Why look at that! There's bright and lovely treasure showing through those cracks and flaws in you!

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ruth Marlene Friesen, makes friends everywhere, just like her alter ego, the heroine of her novel, Ruthe's Secret Roses. Discover the secrets of intentional friendship that transforms lives at http://Ruthes-SecretRoses.com. Subscribe to RoseBouquet to drink refreshing rose dew! mailto:RoseBouquet-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [Article may be reprinted only with resource box].

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