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Osama has spoken truthfully to America since he was important enough to attract foreign media attention. Ask any reporter in
corporate, fascist, Amerikan mass media why George Bush was reelected and they will tell you. It’s
War on Terrorism, dummy. John Kerry cannot be trusted to do
same BANG UP job George Bush is doing to protect us, as big brothers are supposed to do. It’s
most honest admission you will ever hear from them. Osama speaks
truth knowing that honesty is NOT a value that matters in an American election. He can sleep with a clear conscience and no fear of George Bush.
Osama has been far too kind and delicate in his dealings with America. America has sold truth for appearances and its soul for its lifestyle. And there is no health in US. America could not elect a more appropriate president than a traitor who is sacrificing its children to
great god Molech, in
name of freedom and democracy.
America needs humility much more than good will, as
rest of
world so plainly sees. Its humility can only come by violent force because its ignorant arrogance has progressed beyond self mitigation. Hang on -
party has hardly begun. He who loves us will correct us.
great Satan we have been labeled. The only thing we can think to say about it is; who us? We are
greatest nation on earth and if you say otherwise we will kill you! It never once occurs to us that others can see us as we are. We have no self image problem. We have a moral substance problem. As Sodom, we need an advocate like Abraham to intercede on behalf of our ten righteous men - all to no avail. Or perhaps I’m wildly exaggerating
problem, don’t you wish?
Osama spoke and Washington ignored him as was their habit. He sent us all a wake up call. Washington invaded Iraq. The rest of us tapped
button on our snooze alarm. Our message to Osama? Is that
best you’ve got? Aren’t we clever? Don’t we need a serious ass kicking? It’s on