Poem of the Sky

Written by Kathryn Lim

Continued from page 1

Teach me patience teach me love Teach me that failures are inevitable in life yet a must to success Give me courage Give me joy That I may continue to dwell in your Highness That I will continue pursue myself to greater depth To unlockrepparttar gift withinrepparttar 129200 gifts That innate truth power within me "

Kathryn Lim is a life coach, business image consultant and author of Wealth From Within who can be reached at kathryn@kathrynlim.com, or visited on the web

Poem- Each Time

Written by Kathryn Lim

Continued from page 1
An angel would say to me "I know it is not easy but I'd like you to trust" And know that Her grace would not lead you To where it can't sustain you And so I picked uprepparttar sun again and embrace it Laugh laugh and laugh my heart Indeed indeed God's grace is strong It would not lead me to where it cannot keep me It would not lead me to where it cannot keep me This song is for you This song is for me Indeed indeed God's grace would not lead us to where it cannot keep Us.

Kathryn Lim is a life coach, business image consultant and author of Wealth From Within who can be reached at kathryn@kathrynlim.com, or visited on the web http://www.cvreferral.com/17/108655.html

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