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What about making your own podcast for your own business or website? That's not exactly rocket science. Get some sound recording software (Audacity or WavePad, for example) and a microphone. Then record some MP3 files yourself.
All that's left is to get them up on
web somewhere and have them formatted into RSS. Some blogging software and services allow you to attach audio to a blog post. There's even free programs you can use.
For example, you could open a Producer account at:
You can start with
free account, which lets you store up to 40MB of MP3 files on their server. It's enough for about four half-hour shows.
That's an easy and risk-free way to try out podcasting. They also have paid accounts for people who want to do more than experiment with this new media.
Now why would you want to podcast? I can think of many good reasons. Here's a few: Put some recordings of your band up and maybe you'll get a recording contract. Sweet!
If you did a teleseminar, make it available to
world. Position yourself as an expert and people will take you more seriously.
Maybe you know about news items that
local and national media won't pick up. Podcasting gives your story a chance to be heard. Maybe you just want to share something personal with
Whatever your reason for wanting to put your music or voice on
web, podcasting is an easy and inexpensive way to do it. So pick up that microphone and record your thoughts. I'm waiting to hear it.
============================================================ Steve Humphrey is a programmer, web designer and author of 2 ebooks on programming. His latest project is making podcast technology easy enough for anyone to use. Visit these sites: and ============================================================

Steve Humphrey spent almost 20 years in the telecom industy before becoming a free-lance programmer and consultant. He's taught himself 7 (or more) computer languages and written two ebooks that teach people how to use CGI, Perl and PHP. He was using the Internet several years BEFORE the Web existed. He started building web pages the old-fashioned way - by hand in NotePad. Likes DreamWeaver but still works mainly in text editors.