Pluto Travels through the Mind

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Continued from page 1

Atkins argued thatrepparttar mentally retarded could not reason well enough to aid in their own defenses. In most cases, they could not understand abstract concepts such as Miranda rights, self-incrimination and death. As many newspapers agreed, it had now become possible to be "too dumb to die".

In its decision,repparttar 130739 Supreme Court referred to "evolving standards of decency" regarding mental condition. Gallup Poll findings from May 23, 2002 indicated that 82% of Americans opposedrepparttar 130740 use ofrepparttar 130741 death penalty forrepparttar 130742 mentally retarded, while 13% supported it. Estimates vary but most sources agree that at least 34 people with mental retardation have been executed inrepparttar 130743 United States sincerepparttar 130744 repeal of a ban on capital punishment in 1977. Most of these people had an IQ of around 66.

One ofrepparttar 130745 things that may have shaped public opinion isrepparttar 130746 January 24, 1992 execution of Ricky Ray Rector inrepparttar 130747 State of Arkansas, withrepparttar 130748 blessing of Bill Clinton. Laura Mansnerus writes in a July 21, 2001 New York Times article, Damaged Brains andrepparttar 130749 Death Penalty, "You don't have to be a psychiatrist, Dr. Dorothy Otnow Lewis says, to know that something was terribly wrong with Ricky Ray Rector, who before his execution in Arkansas ordered his last meal and asked thatrepparttar 130750 pecan pie be set aside so he could have it later." Rector was not mentally retarded but had shot himself inrepparttar 130751 head atrepparttar 130752 time he committed his capital crime. He had a lobotomy.

Furthermore, Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens writes, "Evolving standards of decency mean many different things to different people. But an important part of our standards of decency derive from our scientific understanding of behavior. I believerepparttar 130753 time will come when we recognize that it is equally indecent to executerepparttar 130754 mentally ill."

Most people did not expectrepparttar 130755 results of Atkins, even those who were most ardently advocating for it. It seems that times have indeed changed. And ifrepparttar 130756 time comes when mental illness as well as mental retardation becomes grounds to avoidrepparttar 130757 death penalty, transformation will indeed have occurred.

As astrologers we understand thatrepparttar 130758 mutable modality deals withrepparttar 130759 sensitive connection betweenrepparttar 130760 mind andrepparttar 130761 body or psycho-soma. Early attempts to understand this connection resulted inrepparttar 130762 label "psychosomatic" for certain conditions for which there appeared to be no physical basis, such as hysteria, certain types of paralysis, colitis and heart palpitations.

The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. As Pluto travels throughrepparttar 130763 sign of Sagittarius, and recently opposed by Saturn in Gemini, .these planets also squared Virgo and Pisces.

Michael Lutin has called Gemini and Sagittarius "the mental health axis". A condition such as schizophrenia can in simplistic terms berepparttar 130764 result of a child wishing to reconcilerepparttar 130765 beliefs and demands of two parents from insurmountably different backgrounds.

For example, one parent says if you're not a Catholic your soul will be doomed to eternal damnation and further believes that divorce is a mortal sin. The other parent initiates divorce proceedings, begins going to Unitarian Church and tells you that if you continue going to Catholic Church s/he will quit seeing you onrepparttar 130766 weekends because it's "too stupid". A child trying to reconcile this set of instructions could blow a few circuits inrepparttar 130767 brain. These conflicts are not solved atrepparttar 130768 mental level, least of all by a child.

I do not mean to oversimplify mental illness. I'm explaining in esoteric and intuitive termsrepparttar 130769 underlying beliefs that cause mental imbalances. In this caserepparttar 130770 underlying belief would be that things like this are reconcilable which they are not. The healthy choice - if this child makes it to adulthood in reasonably good shape -- would be to transcend this inner dialogue into something that says, I love both my parents but I do not love their beliefs. I accept that each is well meaning but I also accept that I do not need to be like them in order to love myself. I will choose a religion that works for me or none at all while continuing to love both parents. And if this means that I loserepparttar 130771 love of one parent, then at least I love myself and haverepparttar 130772 other." Alas, this transcendence is not easy and many fall byrepparttar 130773 wayside.

Pluto (and Saturn) also square Virgo and Pisces atrepparttar 130774 same time that they are traveling through Gemini and Sagittarius. The Virgo/Pisces axis produces negative mental conditions such as free floating anxiety, phobias, autism, anal compulsive disorders, despair, suicide and "suicide by cop raffic accident/innocent bystander/or/freak accident", etc.

Another disturbing phenomenon is a 273% increase in autism inrepparttar 130775 state of California in and 11-year time span. There is an urgent need to discoverrepparttar 130776 "cause" of this condition.

The mental imbalance that produces these conditions is a defense againstrepparttar 130777 inherent chaos of life and feelings of helplessness. In turn,repparttar 130778 basis of this fear is an irrational belief thatrepparttar 130779 universe is controllable inrepparttar 130780 first place.

Further disruptions in these energies can occur withrepparttar 130781 presence of over-crowding, air pollution, noise pollution and stress.

The mutable signs are connected withrepparttar 130782 pulse of life,repparttar 130783 rhythm of breath and threshold sequences such as in/out breathing, day/night, land/sea, dusk/dawn and crossroads. Proper rhythms are ofrepparttar 130784 utmost important for good mental health. Duringrepparttar 130785 transit of Pluto through Sagittarius, we are experiencing many disruptions of these energies onrepparttar 130786 planet. The rise of asthma, now a chronic condition in many children, is a result of over crowding and air pollution. Sometimesrepparttar 130787 over-crowding can be of one's own schedule. There needs to be spaces in life. This is somethingrepparttar 130788 Orientals are far more aware of than we Occidentals.

The Internet is another manifestation of this phenomenon. The super glut of information,repparttar 130789 speed of transmittal,repparttar 130790 galactic rate of evolution andrepparttar 130791 transformation ofrepparttar 130792 entire field of communication has resulted in a type of paralysis in all butrepparttar 130793 more intrepid ofrepparttar 130794 mutable signs. In this regard, esoterically, Sagittarius is of great help, because it contributesrepparttar 130795 understanding that at some point information must be turned into knowledge and a decision made or it is of no use whatsoever. More is not better. Enough is good.

You may have noticed thatrepparttar 130796 Internet is designedrepparttar 130797 way an intuitive thinks. This is a function of Sagittarius and in this way, it is developing intuition in everyone that uses it. The way you can hop from page to page and topic to topic is similar torepparttar 130798 way Gemini multi-tasks or watches several different tv shows at one time. It will be interesting to see how muchrepparttar 130799 Internet has transformed our ways of learning byrepparttar 130800 time Pluto leaves Sagittarius in 2008.

Nancy R. Fenn has been an astrologer and intuitive consultant in the San Diego for over 25 years. She enjoys working with creatives, intuitives and visionaries to help them discover their mission in life. Nancy's mission in life is to raise consciousness about introversion as a legitimate personality syle. Visit Nancy on the web at

Jackie Kennedy was the Perfect Introvert

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Continued from page 1
6. The inner life isrepparttar most important. Jackie has often been quoted as saying that parenting wasrepparttar 130737 single most important and overriding concern and accomplisment of her life, which was filled with things that many poeple consider more important. However, they are external things: wealth, romance, fame, success, adoration, glamour, popularity, etc. Jackie's inner life dictated devotion to her children. 7. Introverts seek authentic meaning in their lives. Certainly Jackie Kennedy Onassis was a woman who never had to work a day in her life but she chose to enterrepparttar 130738 field of publishing in her forties. The books she edited were personally meaningful to her. 8. Introverts love nature andrepparttar 130739 outdoors. Jackie Kennedy was often photographed in sail boats, on yachts, horseback riding and walking in Central Park. 9. Introverts require privacy. Perhaps one ofrepparttar 130740 greatest appeals of Aristotle Onassis was that he ownedrepparttar 130741 island of Skorpios. 10. Introverts give energy to others and can become exhausted from too much social interaction. Jackie Kennedy was well known for remaining inrepparttar 130742 privacy of her bedroom until mid morning and seeking seclusion in many other ways.

Nancy R. Fenn has been an astrologer and intuitive consultant in the San Diego for over 25 years. She enjoys working with creatives, intuitives and visionaries to help them discover their mission in life. Nancy's mission in life is to raise consciousness about introversion as a legitimate personality syle. Visit Nancy on the web at

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