Please Put Me Back Where You Found Me

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Continued from page 1

“I always try to be mindful of Emma Kate's existence as a sentient being. I am careful about moving her around especially now that she is walking and can do this for herself. I recognize that she hasrepparttar ability to concentrate and that frequently I must interrupt her. I try to encourage her concentration by putting her back where I found her playing, or giving her backrepparttar 123457 toy I had to take away for a minute etc. For example, if I recognize before she does that it's time for a new diaper, I take her in and change her, then put her right back where I found her. Emma Kate doesn't throw a tantrum about having her diaper changed. If I have to take a toy away to wash her face, I returnrepparttar 123458 toy immediately after I am done.

“I try to treat Emma Kate like a person with excellent powers of concentration - just like me. I recognize this forrepparttar 123459 wonderful opportunity that it is and I use those moments when she is totally engaged in an activity to get my other work done. In return, she treats me gently. She is not gentle with everyone. She is friendly and smiley and laughs but she is not always gentle. I have to assume that she feels I am gentle with her and she returnsrepparttar 123460 favor. It is a blessing to be able to do that.”

Like most introverted children, Emma Kate moves away from stimuli such as people and things. She focuses and concentrates at an early age. She is intense and territorial. She is exhibitingrepparttar 123461 normal behavior of an introvert. Once you understandrepparttar 123462 characteristics of introverts in positive terms rather than thinking they are just failing at being extroverts, you can support them in their natural self expression.

Nancy R. Fenn is an intuitive and spiritual consultant in the San Diego area. Her mission in life is to raise consciousness about introversion as a legitimate personality type.

Do The Thing You Fear

Written by Jan Tincher

Continued from page 1

Develop your ability to take intelligent risks consciously and deliberately by doingrepparttar things you fear, consciously and deliberately, one step at a time.

Remember how much of a stretch it is for babies to take that first step? Once they do, that second step comes much easier. You would never tell your baby he or she should stop trying, that she or he will never learn to walk. Be kind to yourself. Don't tell yourself that, either.

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Copyright 2003, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

DISCLAIMER: Jan Tincher and/or *Tame Your Brain!* do not guarantee or warrant thatrepparttar 123456 techniques and strategies portrayed will work for everyone. The techniques and strategies are general in nature and may not apply to everyone. The techniques and strategies are not intended to substitute for obtaining medical advice fromrepparttar 123457 medical profession. Always consult your own professionals before making any life-changing decisions.

Learn unique strategies and techniques for personal success from Jan Tincher online at While you are there, sign up for her free e-zine *Tame Your Brain!*

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