Playing Baby Computer Games – The New Parent-Child Tradition?

Written by Emma Rath

Continued from page 1

What types of skills are learned by playing toddler computer games? Obviously, computer software is not suitable for practicing gross motor or even fine motor skills. However, there are many types of educational concepts that computer games can help a child master, including shapes, sounds, cause and effect, identifying and naming things (such as objects and colors), increasing vocabulary, language concepts,repparttar forms of letters and numbers, counting, pattern recognition, detail observation and word construction. At KiddiesGames, we strive to offer games for small children that are out ofrepparttar 110641 ordinary, such as foreign language exposure and practicingrepparttar 110642 positions onrepparttar 110643 telephone for dialing emergency. The reactiveness and interactiveness of computer software is, of course, superior to that of books, and can be superior to that of toys, especially inrepparttar 110644 area of language. Infant computer games are also being cited as excellent resources for children with special education needs, because such games are simple, happy, brightly-colored, patient, controlled byrepparttar 110645 child and allowrepparttar 110646 child to make things happen.

An official recommendation fromrepparttar 110647 American Academy of Pediatrics at is to “Discourage television viewing for children younger than 2 years, and encourage more interactive activities that will promote proper brain development, such as talking, playing, singing, and reading together.” This has been taken as advice to avoid exposing those young children torepparttar 110648 computer. However, well-designed infant software actually encourages those great activities of “talking, playing, singing, and reading together”. By carrying outrepparttar 110649 play activities proposed byrepparttar 110650 computer game,repparttar 110651 caregiver is actually prompted with a framework or script for carrying out those “talking, playing, singing, and reading” activities withrepparttar 110652 child. Experts are now saying that while computer games for infants should not replace toys and blocks and books and should not be used as an electronic babysitter, that they are yet another valid toy resource. For example, a summer 2004 newsletter fromrepparttar 110653 Hawaii State Health Department at encourages playing with lapware. The emphasis is not on acquiring measurable skills or getting correct answers, but is on open-ended exploration onrepparttar 110654 part ofrepparttar 110655 child – which is another way of saying “having fun”. Children are programmed to learn and practice what they learned by playing and having fun.

Playing computer games with your small child is not yet a family tradition. However, it is an enjoyable, sharing activity that is becoming more and more popular.

The author of this article, Emma Rath, produces free online and purchasable download baby and preschooler software, available at

Suicide Vaccine

Written by James Sorrell

Continued from page 1
& Offense against mankind's worst enemies] *Defense.....2 Corinthians 10:5-b "Hold every thought captive" and make it obey God's loving ways by putting an "editor" in your head to check everything out before it becomes reality & it's too late! (including your feelings and emotions, AND continued thoughts; impulsive, negative things should be ignored, like you would try to avoid a bully)...James 1:19 "Slow to speak" (while you're checking things out & practice--->2Cor.10:5-b) & quick to listen, slow to anger; this will also accomplish--->James 4:7) (( All quotes, New Testament: GOOD NEWS BIBLE )) **Offense.....EVERY human needs to raiserepparttar level of their behavior fromrepparttar 110640 'lowest common denominator' (which is where it is now; lazy or intended) torepparttar 110641 'Highest Common Denominator' of behavior, where it needs to be so we can ALL have a life for a change! LOVE is what you do for ALL others that is in their highest or best interest, anytime, anywhere, selflessly! 24/7 )) Are we cattle (cynically do nothing)...or human...(Unite to Fight & Win!)?? My best to you! James Sorrell [E-mail: ] Please pray, daily, forrepparttar 110642 next chapter in The LORD GOD Jesus Christ's plan (this will please Jesus,repparttar 110643 'Maker of All Things', a lot): Psalms 122: 6-9 [GOOD NEWS BIBLE-Industrial Strength 1976 Edition] "Pray forrepparttar 110644 peace of Jerusalem: 'May those who love you prosper. May there be peace inside your walls and safety in your palaces.' Forrepparttar 110645 sake of my brothers and friends I say to Jerusalem, 'Peace be with you!' Forrepparttar 110646 sake ofrepparttar 110647 house ofrepparttar 110648 Lord our God I pray for your prosperity." Inrepparttar 110649 name of Jesus Christ, Amen!......................................................Also, please pray that God will userepparttar 110650 scriptural info on or [SUICIDE VACCINE & 'Keeper ofrepparttar 110651 Flame'] to end suicide & other deadly deceptions, to give a witness to mankind that God is still stronger than all, when his believers obey him by "exposingrepparttar 110652 unfruitful deeds of darkness"!!! Thank you...CaptainChurch...........................................................Also, it is time for The REAL THING...LOVE: Love was designed by GOD for relationships between himself and his angels & humans, and between each other. You cannot "love" yourself...that is why masturbation, with all its fantasies, is is self-centered (which isrepparttar 110653 fallen sin condition that Eve & Adam caused)! When we are saved byrepparttar 110654 Holy Spirit, we become others-centered like GOD is, and He begins to re-create us fromrepparttar 110655 inside out (unlike "religion" which tries to change people fromrepparttar 110656 outside in...the core is still spiritually dead and is just a fake "veneer"). People userepparttar 110657 soulish "masturbation" excuse that they have to "love themselves first before they can love others"...."self-love" [they usually never get around to others, in their life]....and real love wasn't designed to do was only designed to be spent on God and other humans, like a water cycle! Real LOVE is what you do for ALL others that is in their highest or best interests, anytime, anywhere, selflessly (24/7)! C. S. Lewis wrote in MERE CHRISTIANITY that "it is better to forget about yourself altogether" and focus on all those you come in contact with, renouncing pride & self-centeredness, because we can easily be deceived byrepparttar 110658 enemy if we focus on ourselves....he writes "as long as you are looking down on others (putting yourself first), you will never see what is above you"! Christ said thatrepparttar 110659 only law now is love! At least see to it that your neighbor (everyone) has it just as good as you do! 1 Corinthians 13:7 The real thing [love] applied never fails!!! The purpose of life is to serve and to show compassion andrepparttar 110660 will to help others. Only then have we ourselves become true human beings." Dr. Albert Schweitzer [Out of Africa]......................JOINrepparttar 110661 Good Fight!!!...All real Christians need to join in obedience and spirit to give one last shining witness to humanity beforerepparttar 110662 'Age ofrepparttar 110663 Gentiles' ends, andrepparttar 110664 "tribulation" begins, when Holy Spirit-indwelled Christians will no longer be onrepparttar 110665 earth! We are supposed to "exposerepparttar 110666 deceptive, evil deeds of darkness" Captain Church ----------Topic: Mick's response to SUICIDE VACCINE "I realised recently that if I ever caused an upset with someone - knowingly or unknowingly - that I would try to handle this upset by harming myself in an effort to placaterepparttar 110667 other person. This included serious physical damage to myself and attempted suicide. Having spotted this info (Suicide Vaccine), I am now no longer going to do it and wished to let you know this. It would be better for me to confrontrepparttar 110668 things I have caused and handle them. Love Mick." Teacher: The Keeper ofrepparttar 110669 Flame []

The Keeper of the Flame

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