Plato's ATLANTIS -- Fact, Fiction or Prophecy?

Written by Lady Camelot

Continued from page 1

Unfortunately, (according torepparttar Egyptian priests), Atlantis was continually pounded by catastrophic earthquakes and floods until one day whenrepparttar 122336 whole continent sunk beneathrepparttar 122337 sea and disappeared. They were also quoted as saying that where Atlantis vanished, became an area inrepparttar 122338 ocean that was impassable and undiscoverable. The theory behindrepparttar 122339 sinking of Atlantis was that mankind had become so corrupt, that by their own hands, created their own demise.

In closing, Atlantis brings to mindrepparttar 122340 biblical stories of Sodom and Noah. It also interrelates withrepparttar 122341 continental shifts throughoutrepparttar 122342 ages ofrepparttar 122343 earth's history, but could Atlantis really have existed? The evidence, whether circumstantial or philosophical literature,repparttar 122344 fact remains that Plato only wrote historical truth. This being said, what message was Plato trying to convey torepparttar 122345 future of mankind? Torepparttar 122346 reader, I conclude this article with a quotation from Critias, fromrepparttar 122347 literature of Plato, "There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes;repparttar 122348 greatest have been brought about byrepparttar 122349 agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes." A thought to ponder.

(c) 2003 LadyCamelot

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Four Powerful Pathways Into The Light And Sound Of Oneness

Written by Judith Pennington

Continued from page 1

A calm, peaceful sense of oneness is critical to our evolution; otherwise, we volley back and forth from one state of consciousness to another without ever really knowing what is real and what is not. I experience this shifting consciousness when I don't meditate every day. The slippage is all too apparent to me, and unfortunately, to others around me as well.

When I do return to meditation, I am amazed atrepparttar consistently gentle, loving voice of my heart, which does not complain when I skip my contemplative time, but waits patiently for me to return. Recently, while in deep meditation, I heard a quiet little voice say, "I am too hurried." Upon engaging in a pen-and-paper dialogue with my heart and mind, I learned that both want and needrepparttar 122335 restful peace of meditation.

This makes sense, doesn't it? It is inrepparttar 122336 Oneness that both are energized and made more vibrant and whole. In this blissful state, these three notes organize themselves into a chord made ofrepparttar 122337 proper co-creative partnership: mind serving heart, heart serving soul, and soul serving what I callrepparttar 122338 Divine Harmonic.

4. The power of chanting and toning. To comprehendrepparttar 122339 potential of sound, we have only to readrepparttar 122340 Hebrew Bible, which tells us howrepparttar 122341 powerful vibration of trumpets andrepparttar 122342 drumbeat of marching feet toppledrepparttar 122343 walls of Jericho. In modern times, we have seen this same harmonic phenomenon in a California bridge undulating in resonance withrepparttar 122344 frequency of wind blowing all around it. The bridge eventually shattered. Equally unpleasant to many of us isrepparttar 122345 deep, rumbling bass of automobile speakers passing by and thumping our beating hearts into palpitations.

Such "entrainment" sensations can be reversed by a meditative thought, word or rhythmic sound, all of which will rapidly shift any frequency pattern. People have always used chanting and toning to evoke altered states of consciousness and heal withrepparttar 122346 power of sound.

I've recently read, but have not yet verified, that Egyptian hieroglyphics show adepts usingrepparttar 122347 vibrations of their voices to heal their patients' energy fields. It makes sense intuitively that if we fully understoodrepparttar 122348 capabilities of frequency and vibration, we would be able to heal anything.

The racial memory of these abilities, lost throughrepparttar 122349 ages, has been restored to us by Cayce and others. Researchers reading of Cayce's glimpses intorepparttar 122350 distant past believe thatrepparttar 122351 mastery of sound technology is howrepparttar 122352 Mayans, Aztecs and Egyptians moved 100-ton boulders hundreds of miles and up mountainsides to build megalithic temples and pyramids.

David Elkington's meticulously researched book, Inrepparttar 122353 Name ofrepparttar 122354 Gods, claims that Egypt's pyramids were not meant to be burial chambers, but were frequency modulators for spiritual ascension and for quickeningrepparttar 122355 mummified dead. Like sacred cairns and stone circles, pyramidal structures amplifyrepparttar 122356 resonance of chanting voices and may have been used to raiserepparttar 122357 frequencies ofrepparttar 122358 crystalline human body into harmony withrepparttar 122359 crystalline healing frequencies ofrepparttar 122360 Earth. We know today that this frequency, 7.8 hertz, is a fundamental brain wave frequency of meditation and spontaneous healing by hands-on practitioners.

Hindus, Buddhists and many Westerners harmonizerepparttar 122361 body-mind by chantingrepparttar 122362 familiar "Om" or singingrepparttar 122363 word "Hu,"repparttar 122364 Sufi and Eckankar seed sound for God. (Eckankar isrepparttar 122365 present-day Religion ofrepparttar 122366 Light and Sound of God.) The vowel sounds in these words move energy throughrepparttar 122367 abdominal, cardio-pulmonary and cranial cavities ofrepparttar 122368 body when we focus on feeling this movement of loving, divine energy, rather than how we sound to others. The key to chanting and toning is being present to it.

Here's a powerful chant from ancient Egypt, resurrected in trance by Edgar Cayce and explained in a little book, Music asrepparttar 122369 Bridge, published by Cayce's Association of Research and Enlightenment ( in Virginia Beach. I've asked people, during my talks and workshops, to sing this chant and always hear beautiful harmonic overtones that carryrepparttar 122370 singers into deep meditative states. Cayce said this particular chant awakens our ability to draw ourselves intorepparttar 122371 divine andrepparttar 122372 divine into us. See if it works for you!

Surrounding yourself with a sacred circle of love, chantrepparttar 122373 word ar-ar-r-r--e-e-e--o-o-o--mmm. Fill your pelvis and navel with this rich, resonant "ar-ar-r-r" (as in ah-r) and with your whole body soundrepparttar 122374 "eeeeee" (as in eat) in your solar plexus, movingrepparttar 122375 breath upward and directingrepparttar 122376 "oooooo" (as in oh) torepparttar 122377 heart and throat, thenrepparttar 122378 uuuuuu (as in blue) torepparttar 122379 base and center ofrepparttar 122380 brain, andrepparttar 122381 "mmmmm" (as in room) torepparttar 122382 forehead and frontal lobe of your brain. You will feel this last sound vibratingrepparttar 122383 very bones of your head.

If you sit with this chant for awhile, you'll feelrepparttar 122384 currents of spiritual love coursing through your body-mind, and a river of peace will carry you intorepparttar 122385 Oneness of perfect love. Share your peace and healing by visualizing your loved ones and Earth's people basking in joy.

Joy isrepparttar 122386 natural outcome of these pathways intorepparttar 122387 Oneness, for here we feelrepparttar 122388 perfection in all things and know ourselves to be one withrepparttar 122389 Divine. All pain, loss and sorrow fall away in this journey towardrepparttar 122390 Light and Sound of God. Inrepparttar 122391 beautiful music of this illuminated Oneness, we soar on wings of freedom and joy, at home in our place of true belonging, forever.

(c)2004, Judith Pennington. All rights in all media reserved.

Judith Pennington is a writer, workshop leader and author of a critically acclaimed book on the soul and consciousness: The Voice of the Soul: A Journey into Wisdom and the Physics of God. Visit her website,, to read articles related to this one and to sign up for her free e-newsletter, The Still, Small Voice, and e-zine, OneWorld.

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