Planting Or Transplanting A Tree

Written by Paul Curran

Continued from page 1

Puddling protectsrepparttar roots from exposure to air before planting

and also from any air pockets which may exist after planting. Having filledrepparttar 113370 hole torepparttar 113371 depth required byrepparttar 113372 roots ofrepparttar 113373 plant, flood it with water to settlerepparttar 113374 soil atrepparttar 113375 bottom; when this has drained away, placerepparttar 113376 tree inrepparttar 113377 position in which it is to grow and settlerepparttar 113378 soil about it.

Use a stick or shovel handle to workrepparttar 113379 soil aroundrepparttar 113380 roots, and make cer tain there are no air pockets. Spreadrepparttar 113381 roots out naturally, plantingrepparttar 113382 tree at aboutrepparttar 113383 same depth as inrepparttar 113384 nursery or its former location. Whenrepparttar 113385 hole is two-thirds full, trample it down and again fill with water. Don't firm downrepparttar 113386 remaining soil, so thatrepparttar 113387 water will drain towardsrepparttar 113388 trunk.

A balled-and-burlapped tree is one dug with a solid ball of rich, heavy loam in which it has been growing inrepparttar 113389 nursery for years, its root system thus amply covered and protected. The ball is firmed and held in place by a secure covering of twine and burlap.

To plant it, setrepparttar 113390 tree in a hole a trifle lower than it stood inrepparttar 113391 nursery. Workrepparttar 113392 soil beneath this depth, as directed above. Digrepparttar 113393 hole about twicerepparttar 113394 size of your ball and plant at once. Ifrepparttar 113395 ground is dry at planting time, fillrepparttar 113396 hole with water and let it soak away before planting.

Cutrepparttar 113397 burlap atrepparttar 113398 top when you putrepparttar 113399 ball in place, rolling it back 3 or 4 inches. Plant ball, burlap and all—the burlap will soon rot away. If you are planting a big tree, it is transported in a truck, lowered torepparttar 113400 ground by winches, rolled along a plank track on rollers and maneuvered intorepparttar 113401 exact center of repparttar 113402 hole on a single board.

A holding rope fromrepparttar 113403 truck torepparttar 113404 base ofrepparttar 113405 tree trunk helps to positionrepparttar 113406 tree. Afterrepparttar 113407 tree is planted, cutting back is proper. Cut back sharply at least one-third, pruningrepparttar 113408 branches. It is necessary to bracerepparttar 113409 tree with wire ropes so thatrepparttar 113410 roots will not be broken byrepparttar 113411 wind.

Use a single wire aroundrepparttar 113412 trunk and three guy wires. Forrepparttar 113413 first year after planting,repparttar 113414 more cultivationrepparttar 113415 better Keep weeds away, too, with straw or mulch, and strawy manure mulch in repparttar 113416 spring and fall will help keeprepparttar 113417 moisture inrepparttar 113418 ground.

Paul Curran is CEO of Cuzcom Internet Publishing Group and webmaster at, providing access to their nursery supplier for a range of quality plants, trees, bushes, shrubs, seeds and garden products.Visit their trees section to find a great selection of trees for your garden

How to Prune Apple Trees

Written by Paul Curran

Continued from page 1

A spur system of fruit buds will be formed atrepparttar base of these shoots which will bearrepparttar 113369 fruit. These spur systems will need to be thinned out, as they begin to crowdrepparttar 113370 tree, in order to encourage new growth and reducerepparttar 113371 amount of blossom. Some laterals growing towardsrepparttar 113372 outside ofrepparttar 113373 tree may be left to extend naturally; these will form fruit buds and bearrepparttar 113374 earliest fruit whilerepparttar 113375 spur system is being formed.

Some varieties bear fruit onrepparttar 113376 ends ofrepparttar 113377 shoots, tip bearers, as they are called, and it is essential to make provision for a certain amount of unpruned wood. These unpruned laterals may be cut back to fruit buds or spurs, when their length demands. In short this method on how to prune apple trees aims at a compromise between hard spur pruning and leaving some laterals unpruned.

How to prune apple trees - Renewal System

From spur pruning, a further method has been evolved, calledrepparttar 113378 Renewal System. This method which may at first appear complicated torepparttar 113379 amateur is, in fact, a successful way of controlling wood and fruit formation torepparttar 113380 best advantage. It consists of shortening a proportion ofrepparttar 113381 annual growth in order to produce more wood, leaving some unpruned to form fruit buds. These should be well spaced out overrepparttar 113382 branch length, to ensure that fruit will not be crowded. The number of laterals, or new growths, to be shortened, depends onrepparttar 113383 variety and growth ofrepparttar 113384 apple trees.

A strongly growing tree can carry more fruit, therefore perhaps half ofrepparttar 113385 laterals could be shortened and half left untouched. On a weaker tree, which tends to form fruit buds atrepparttar 113386 expense of new growth, 2 in 3 ofrepparttar 113387 laterals may be pruned. In this systemrepparttar 113388 individual characteristics ofrepparttar 113389 tree need to be catered for; there is no hard and fast rule. Laterals which are pruned to 2 or 3 ins. in length, will form new wood, which is treated as before, either to be left, or shortened in due course.

How to prune apple trees - Cordon Trees

Basically, these are Spur Pruned; that is, allrepparttar 113390 young growth, each year, is shortened back to within 2 or 3 buds ofrepparttar 113391 base, where fruit buds will form and a spur system is built up. Space, or lack of it, often dictates that this hard cutting back has to be done, to keeprepparttar 113392 trees within limits.

A modified system is to leave some ofrepparttar 113393 longer laterals full length and curl them round in a circle, tying them firmly with fillis string to make a loop. These loops will form fruit buds along their length in subsequent years, and may be left intact so long as there is room for them. As others are retained,repparttar 113394 oldest may be cut out. Espalier trees may be treated inrepparttar 113395 same way as Cordons.

How to prune apple trees - Biennial

Bearing Some varieties of apples tend to produce a heavy crop one year and a light onerepparttar 113396 next. If one has several trees, this tends to balance out, as allrepparttar 113397 trees may not haverepparttar 113398 same "on or off" tendency. If one has only 1 or 2 trees however, biennial bearing could cause a total loss of crop one season, andrepparttar 113399 trees would be likely to produce a heavier crop than usualrepparttar 113400 next year, and a lighter than averagerepparttar 113401 following season.

Where this is happening, beforerepparttar 113402 expected cropping year, pruning of new wood should be very light, and spur systems should be reduced. A proportion, say one third, ofrepparttar 113403 blossom should be removed at flowering time. In other words aim at reducingrepparttar 113404 over-heavy crops. Finally, when you have learnt how to prune apple trees, all pruning should be done whenrepparttar 113405 trees are dormant, i.e. in autumn or winter.

Paul Curran is CEO of Cuzcom Internet Publishing Group and webmaster at, providing access to their nursery supplier for a range of quality plants, trees, bushes, shrubs, seeds and garden products.Visit their fruit trees section to find a great selection of apple trees for your garden

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