Planning Ahead

Written by Terry J. Rigg

Continued from page 1

Now lets get into some possible ways to bring in more money. Everybody I know has a talent that hasrepparttar potential to make extra money. Even things like holding a monthly yard sale can bring in some money. I would suggest that if you need some extra income that you sit down and think about what talents you have. Then try to picture how you could use those talents to earn money.

My daughter, a stay-at-home Mom, wanted to earn some extra money. Just recently she brought some pictures to my house that had a magnetic backing, perfect for displaying those cherished pictures onrepparttar 110342 refrigerator. After we discussed it we decided to make this service available onrepparttar 110343 web. The easiest thing to do is to forward pictures as attachments to email so that isrepparttar 110344 way she going to start. A customer places an order and sendsrepparttar 110345 pictures, she prints them usingrepparttar 110346 software she has on her computer and mailsrepparttar 110347 pictures. Eventually, she will get a scanner and customers will be able to mail her their pictures. Presto, she has a service that almost everyone would like to have.

This is just an example of taking what you have and making something out of it. No, you may not make a lot of money at first but it is money that you didn't have. Try to find something that doesn't cost you a lot to get started.

Just one caution. There are almost as many scams onrepparttar 110348 internet as there are users. A rule of thumb if you are going to try to earn money onrepparttar 110349 internet: If you have to pay to make money with their offer then it's usually not a money maker for anyone except them.

Now, back torepparttar 110350 topic. There are a lot of us having money problems and not all of these can be solved by cutting expenses or earning a little extra money. What can solve many ofrepparttar 110351 problems is knowing what state your finances are in. Prepare a budget and stick to it. Look at it often especially before you make any major purchases. Know whether or not you can afford what you are buying. Put money aside to cover unexpected expenses. If you don't have it, find it.

Terry Rigg is the author of Living Within Your Means - The Easy Way and editor of The FREE Budget Stretcher Newsletter and Budget Stretcher web site He has 25 years of experience counseling individuals and families concerning their personal finances.

How Did I Get In This Mess?

Written by Terry J. Rigg

Continued from page 1

If you are just starting out inrepparttar work force or going to college, it is time for you to learn that you have to work at managing your money, everyday. It is essential that you learn as much as you can about setting up a budget and using every expense cutting method you can think of. Even if you are making good money you need to know exactly what you have coming in and what you have going out. There are a lot of people making $70,000 or more a year that are having money problems.

There usually isn't just one thing that causes us to accumulate debt. It can be anything from buying more house than we can afford to running our credit card balances torepparttar 110341 hilt. It almost always happens a step at a time.

Let me give you an example: You buy a house with payments that are more than you wanted to pay, but it is exactly what you were looking for, so you decide you can cut back in other areas. Now you've used all of your cash forrepparttar 110342 down payment onrepparttar 110343 house, but you still need furniture. It's time to break outrepparttar 110344 credit cards. You don't realize just how muchrepparttar 110345 furniture, curtains, pictures, rugs, etc. will cost. Now your credit cards are reaching their limit. Thenrepparttar 110346 electric bill comes in and it is double what you were expecting. This can all happen within just a couple of months.

The above example may not fit your situation, however, chances are no one purchase causedrepparttar 110347 problem. This is why it is absolutely necessary to pay close attention to your finances and plan every purchase. The only way to know if you can afford something is to have a budget in place.

Terry Rigg is the author of Living Within Your Means - The Easy Way and editor of The FREE Budget Stretcher Newsletter and Budget Stretcher web site He has 25 years of experience counseling individuals and families concerning their personal finances.

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