Pizza, French Fries, Beer and Other Diet Foods...

Written by Nick Nilsson

Continued from page 1

-There is plenty of fiber inrepparttar paper that’s stuck torepparttar 118288 bottom ofrepparttar 118289 pizza. Don’t be afraid of it.

4. Beer isrepparttar 118290 absolute best beverage you can drink when you’re watching your waistline. It helps to put it right out there in front you where you can see it.

5. Look for foods that have air bubbles in them. Examples include chocolate bars, Twinkies (after you suckrepparttar 118291 cream filling out), soda pop, sponge cake, and cheese puffs. As you know, air has no calories. Look at these foods asrepparttar 118292 wrapping for a low-calorie, low-fat serving of air.

6. Putting ketchup on anything makes it healthy. Think about it. You’re getting your vegetables in a concentrated paste. It’s like stepping intorepparttar 118293 future... today!!

7. Here are a number of delicious, zero-calorie foods you may not be aware of:

-Anything eaten while standing has zero calories. -Anything eaten off somebody else’s plate has zero calories. -Food sampled for "tasting" purposes during preparation has no calories. -Food sneaked from someone after you distract them is also calorie-free. -Anything eaten afterrepparttar 118294 expiration date contains no calories.

8. Eating ice cream can actually help you burn an enormous amount of calories. The key to this lies in its temperature.

Ice cream is very cold. When you eat ice cream, your body must expend energy (a.k.a. calories) to warm it up to your internal body temperature.

When you work throughrepparttar 118295 scientific formulas for heat conversion, you can see you will end up expending approximately 6,000 calories to heat up a small dish of ice cream to body temperature. Drinking ice cold beer with your ice cream amplifies this effect.

These diet tips should have you well on your way towards effectively peeling off pounds of unsightly fat.

Think of me next time you’re eating a pizza with french fries and ketchup on top, dunking your donuts in a glass of cold beer, and shoving down Twinkies (withrepparttar 118296 filling sucked out) mashed into a dish of nice cold ice cream!

DISCLAIMER: The preceding information is not medical advice and should not be taken as such. If you feelrepparttar 118297 urge to take any of this "information" seriously, please lie down untilrepparttar 118298 feeling goes away. Thank you.

Nick Nilsson is Vice President of BetterU, Inc., an online exercise, fitness, and personal training company. Check out his latest eBook "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of" at or visit You can contact him at or subscribe to BetterU News, his fitness newsletter at

The Top 10 Most Outrageous Exercises I’ve Ever Seen

Written by Nick Nilsson

Continued from page 1

7. Pec Rockets - Setrepparttar pec deck machine with far too much weight for you to handle safely. Make sure you are very sweaty and slippery before attempting this one. First, use your entire bodyweight to get one arm pad up torepparttar 118287 front. Then, throw yourself atrepparttar 118288 other one to get it torepparttar 118289 front. Hold them there for a half-second then get shot four feet out acrossrepparttar 118290 floor as you squirt fromrepparttar 118291 machine like a greased banana.

8. Rush-Hour Bench Press - This exercise is done onrepparttar 118292 vertical seated chest press machine that has a foot pedal to help raiserepparttar 118293 weight torepparttar 118294 starting position. Use this pedal atrepparttar 118295 bottom of every single rep to bouncerepparttar 118296 weight back up. Your footwork will resemble that of someone in rush-hour traffic going from 0 to 60 to 0 every 3 seconds.

9. Close-Grip, Behind-The-Neck Shoulder Press - Sit in a shoulder press station, grippingrepparttar 118297 bar overhead with about 6 inches between your hands. Bringrepparttar 118298 bar down directly behind your head. Be sure to lean forward 45 degrees and round your back over so that your shoulder joints and lower back each get their fair share of trauma.

10. C.P.R. Bench Press - Start by loading your safe maximum bench press weight ontorepparttar 118299 bar. Now add 20 more pounds just to be safer. Have your spotter liftrepparttar 118300 bar offrepparttar 118301 rack for you. Lower it 2 inches on your own power then allow it to drop and cave in your rib cage. Be sure your spotter is a strong deadlifter before attempting this exercise as you will need them to pullrepparttar 118302 bar off you atrepparttar 118303 bottom of every rep. When your spotter has pulledrepparttar 118304 bar off you afterrepparttar 118305 first rep and is trying to put it back onrepparttar 118306 racks, yell out "I’ve got six more reps!"

Remember that this is just a small sample of things I have actually seen people doing. Please be sure when you do your exercises that you takerepparttar 118307 time to learn proper form and, if you do see someone performing an exercise that is potentially harmful, tactfully assist them.

For more information about exercise technique and errors, go to

Nick Nilsson is Vice President of BetterU, Inc., an online exercise, fitness, and personal training company. Check out his latest eBook "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of" at or visit You can contact him at or subscribe to BetterU News, his fitness newsletter at

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