Picas vs Inches

Written by Maricon Williams

Continued from page 1
Inrepparttar article entitled Are Picas and Pointsrepparttar 107457 Same as Inches and Feet? posted inmydesignprimer.com, it gaverepparttar 107458 essence of knowing picas and inches. Though pretty useless in everyday life, there are times when this information can be quite valuable. If a designer wants to divide an 11" sheet into three equal sections, how big would each section be? I'm sure you're notrepparttar 107459 only one reaching for a calculator. But, if I told you there were 66 picas in 11 inches, I'm sure you could tell me that each section would measure 22 picas.

Inrepparttar 107460 article entitled Are Picas and Pointsrepparttar 107461 Same as Inches and Feet? posted inmydesignprimer.com, it gaverepparttar 107462 essence of knowing picas and inches. Though pretty useless in everyday life, there are times when this information can be quite valuable. If a designer wants to divide an 11" sheet into three equal sections, how big would each section be? I'm sure you're notrepparttar 107463 only one reaching for a calculator. But, if I told you there were 66 picas in 11 inches, I'm sure you could tell me that each section would measure 22 picas.

This article was created for the sole purpose of propagating information that may be related to short run printing and other industries to which it may be of interest.

For comments and questions about the Article you may contact the Author at 310 575 4440 or visit http://www.shortrunondemandprinting.com

A Graphic Designer's Top Ten Resolutions for 2005

Written by Nashville

Continued from page 1

In addition, Litt also focuses on continuous manual reading, gratefulness, innovativeness, journalizing or documentation, and playfulness. It is important to read manuals gradually because you’ll get lots of surprising information from them. If professional designers gave you pointers when you were just starting, take some time to teach new designers too as a debt of gratitude to those wonderful people who helped you. It’s also nice to try a new and original approach in graphic designing. With this, your creativity and resourcefulness will be totally enhanced. Document all your output fromrepparttar start of your profession to evaluate where you are now and where you are headed. Finally, I agree that all work and no play make a designer a very dull designer indeed. It’s true that our best ideas come out when we take a break from whatever it is that we're doing.

Basically, Litt just wants to be more productive and efficient in her profession. Andrepparttar 107456 best thing, she shares her own insights to her colleagues because her New Year’s resolution is also for them. I appreciate people like Litt. Keep it up. Way to go, Judy!!!

This composition was provided by a very reliable Los Angeles Printing Company. This article was composed to serve the interests of printing and designing enthusiasts looking for reviews, suggestions, tips and more in the industry.

For comments and questions about the Author and the Article you may contact The Los Angeles Printing Service Webmaster at 310 575 4440 or visit http://www.losangelesprintingservice.com

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