Peter Scannell - Market Timing Whistle Blower

Written by John Parsons

Continued from page 1

With this Scannell told his bosses he would no longer accept transfers from known market timers. His bosses were furious.

Two days later, Scannell was hit inrepparttar head with a brick by a man wearing a "Boilermakers Local 5' sweatshirt. The Boilermakers Local 5 union were one ofrepparttar 103002 groups known to Scannell as engaging inrepparttar 103003 market timing scandal.

Undeterred, Scannell went torepparttar 103004 Boston office ofrepparttar 103005 Securities and Exchange Commission. Five months went by. The agency didn't act on his tip, even though he had documents that backed up his claims which he had takenrepparttar 103006 day after he quit.

Finally,repparttar 103007 Massachusetts regulators stepped in. They determined that inrepparttar 103008 last three years at least 28 ofrepparttar 103009 unions members made between 150 and 500 trades, scoring gains of up to $1 million each. The investigators also zeroed in on two e-mails fromrepparttar 103010 firm's internal monitors: It appeared they had been aware ofrepparttar 103011 troublesome activity sincerepparttar 103012 spring of 2000.

This led to state civil fraud charges against Putnam,repparttar 103013 resignation of its CEO, Lawrence Lasser, andrepparttar 103014 withdrawal of more than $20 billion from its funds.

Founder of is dedicated to exposing corporate and business scandals, scams, fraud and deception.

Hey Landlord! Is Your Lease Legal?

Written by Mark Walters

Continued from page 1

How about repairs....

The same would apply to a requirement thatrepparttar tenant be responsible for all necessary repairs. In every staterepparttar 103001 law mandates that landlords perform certain repairs to maintainrepparttar 103002 property and keep it habitable.

Does your lease contain a clause concerning attorney fees?...

Requiring a renter to pay for all ofrepparttar 103003 landlord's legal fees and costs regardless of a court case out come would also be a lease no-no.

Most good leases have stoodrepparttar 103004 test of time and will help you avoid legal problems. Just don't ask tenants to sign it until you have read and completely understand every line ofrepparttar 103005 lease you are using.

You'll findrepparttar 103006 lease we use here...

Mark Walters is a third generation real estate investor and he shares his experience through two Web sites...

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