“Personal Protection Issues”

Written by Gary L. Cunningham, C.P.O.

Continued from page 1

These are just a few ideas on how to keep you and your family safer in these troubles times. There are several other ways to get personal protection issues under control. But you have to know about them before you can plan for them.

There are several books and organizations out there to help you be safer, use them. Even your local police department can give yourepparttar right advice. You are ultimately responsible for your safety, think before you do and act accordingly withrepparttar 110972 information you gather.

Children arerepparttar 110973 most important thing we have and yet we very seldom train them on how to be safe while they are out inrepparttar 110974 public eye. You need to start training your children to be safe before they become a victim and you need this also. Waiting to become a victim and then saying you should do something is asking for more trouble than you need.

www.cdt-traiing.com and www.trainingforlife.tv will help give you some information on training to keep you safe, martial arts can be found in your local phone book. Take action now or become a victim and payrepparttar 110975 price, it is up to you and know one else as to if you become safer or not!

Gary Cunningham is a Certified Protection Officer with over 30 years experience in High Risk Security, Law Enforcement Special Operations, Specialized Training and Military Special Operations. For more information on his services to business owners, check out www.cmbizinfo.com or e-mail him at mailto:secuone@aol.com!

Help Your Child Cope with Stress

Written by Denni Gill

Continued from page 1

4. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep is proven to take a toll on us physically. The more sleep we get,repparttar more alert we are. We thus have more energy to handle life's daily tasks. The average adult needs at least six hours of sleep a night andrepparttar 110971 average child needs at least eight.

5. Stay in shape

Through spending time outdoors or playing sports with friends, he can "blow off some steam" so to speak, as well as re-energize. Encourage him to get outside.

6. Talk through your problems

Being able to share his concerns with you will alleviaterepparttar 110972 frustration of keeping things bottled up. Sharing feelings often makes them easier to deal with. If you make it clear that you understand him and are willing to help, not only will you contribute to his emotional health but you’ll help build an open and honest relationship as well.

Denni Gill is an up-and-coming Canadian poet.

Best described as a sinner's sanctum, www.urban-eden.org is a portal into her most intimate thoughts.

Feedback may be sent to denni@urban-eden.org.

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