Perform Random Acts of FacilitationWritten by Steve Davis
Continued from page 1 - If a meeting is begun among strangers without any introductions or simple acts of relating, you will speak out and suggest spending five minutes to go around room and have people share something about themselves. After all, do you want to do business with total strangers when you don't have to? - If someone is hogging airtime, you will speak up and thank them for their great input and suggest that others be heard from too. - Long before you've been meeting for 3 hours straight without a break, with your eyeballs floating, you'll request a short recess to accommodate personal needs and to just stretch and rejuvenate yourselves. - When energy is so heavy in room you feel like you're smothering, you will say something funny to make people laugh. The fog will lift and things will start moving again. You will risk being "fool." People will thank you later. - When someone suggests a valid action during meeting without assigning a responsible party and completion date, you will jump in and suggest that it be assigned, without feeling obligated to take it on yourself. - Trust your intuition. When something feels "off," say so. You don't have to have all answers. Just know that your intuition never lies and if you feel something, others may as well. Your courage will inspire others to speak. The collective unspoken, given voice, will bring previously undiscovered wisdom, knowledge, and energy into room. Great things will happen. Can you handle that?That's it. You've got your marching orders. You can do this! I have faith in you. Now go forth and boldly go where no lowly meeting participant has gone before. Into mysterious and powerful universe of group synergy, where there's a surprise around every corner. Where magic happens! Bless you my fellow changemeisters. About Author: Steve Davis, M.A., M.S., is an Facilitator's Coach, Infoprenuer, and free-lance human, helping facilitators, organizational leaders, educators, trainers, coaches and consultants present themselves confidently, access their creativity, empower their under-performing groups, enhance their facilitation skills, and build their business online and offline. Subscribe to his free weekly ezine at
About the Author: Steve Davis, M.A., M.S., is an Facilitator's Coach, Infoprenuer, and free-lance human, helping facilitators, organizational leaders, educators, trainers, coaches and consultants present themselves confidently, access their creativity, empower their under-performing groups, enhance their facilitation skills, and build their business online and offline. Subscribe to his free weekly ezine at
| | Fair Tax for Free PeopleWritten by Ed Howes
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When real people are forced to support corporate government, which returns only a percentage of this support in selected benefits to segments of society, it easily divides society to impotency and has done so. It puts real people at an economic disadvantage relative to artificial creation. It would matter not to me which corporations are lining up at public feed trough for contracts, legislation and favors, if they were supplying all feed. If it matters to you which corporations are feeding, write your representatives as you do now. Corporate government has virtually unlimited credit with which to compete with free people; a tremendous economic advantage in marketplace. But corporate government is fear driven. What if credit advantage is not enough to support monopoly and dominion? To further discourage meaningful competition from real people, they impoverish people by taxing them and exporting their work. The taxpayer responds that no matter what odds, no matter how deck is stacked, they want to play game. Corporate government grows like cancer it is. Cancers are never cured by ignoring them. They are cured or controlled by restricting or removing them from environments they require. Frauds such as income taxes are not promoted because corporate government needs money. Who needs money with unlimited credit? Corporate government wants information taxpayer supplies. The paperwork tells them more about taxpayer and society in general, than torture and interrogation ever could. It certainly reveals far more than media polls. The public servant is saying; "How can I possibly serve you except I know details of your life?" I say; you would serve me best if you would go home and watch TV. I don't want you to know as much about me as I know about you - which is very little. Fair is fair. If you are working for me as you claim to be, you show me your life details and mine are none of your business. Which of today's candidates for public service are publishing their income tax returns? How can I choose a servant if I don't know things many tax returns will tell me? Turn about is fair play. If citizens wanted fairness and honesty, they would insist upon it and accept no substitute. They don't and they don't. When they are truly struggling to live, as billions now do around world, they might; but certainly not before then.
Freelance writer published on many websites and in newspapers.