Pay Day Loans - Are They A Crime?

Written by Randy McClure

Continued from page 1

Budget Yourself Before Your Creditors take Your Good Name. Do you have expensive habits that you cannot afford? If times are tight, look where you cut expenses. For example, if you have allrepparttar premium stations on cable and you are getting can food for your family atrepparttar 112283 food bank, what should you do?

Increase Your Income to Match Your Life Style. Look at your job situation. Can you get a raise, get a new job, get a second job, or supplement your income?

Change Your Life Style. If you have an excessive life style, such as drugs or living beyond your means, seek help as things are only going to get worst. Consider a roommate or moving in with relatives. Seek guidance from your church, community organizations, and Government organizations. Your situation may look bleak, but it is not unique. Many people are and have been in your situation, and they changed their lives with just a little help from others.

Consumer Counseling. If you are really ready to make a change in your borrowing habits, there are several reputable organizations that can help you. Visit for more tips and featured reputable debt consolidators.

Randy McClure is a web site publisher of EasyAccess Club is an eCommerce resource for discount shoppers, small businesses, and churches. We feature discount online store reviews, hundreds of discount stores, e-commerce news, and resources for doing business online. Visit our other sites: Small Business Online - and Church Online -

Credit Traps Snag Consumers

Written by Gerri Detweiler

Continued from page 1
• The number of cards with $35 late fees has more than doubled from last year. • More than halfrepparttar cards surveyed require cardholders to pay only 2 percent ofrepparttar 112282 monthly balance each month – a disturbing trend that dramatically increasesrepparttar 112283 overall interest paid by cardholders. • More than one-third of surveyed institutions will not provide a firm annual percentage rate (APR) until they have screenedrepparttar 112284 applicant’s credit history. Instead, they give only a meaningless range of rates before screening, which makes comparison shopping difficult if not impossible. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying that credit card companies should not make money. In fact, easy access to credit has helped fuel our economy, especially whenrepparttar 112285 going gets rough. But many consumers now are literally trapped by high-cost debt with few options. I’ve spoken to consumers who feel they have no choice but to file for bankruptcy because their credit card companies all raised their interest rates to between twenty and thirty percent, and they simply cannot manage to payrepparttar 112286 balances down. With allrepparttar 112287 landmines out there for credit card users today,repparttar 112288 best strategy is still to pay down debt as quickly as possible and limit yourself to a couple of cards to avoid problems. Sometimes, of course, that’s easier said than done! For more information on ways to avoid credit traps and build great credit, visitrepparttar 112289 SuccessDNA Credit Center at

Gerri Detweiler renowned credit expert and best-selling author on credit issues. She is the author of "Success DNA's Cutting Edge Credit Strategies" and created the Success DNA "Credit Center" to assist individuals and businesses succeed in todays tricky but winnable money enviroment.

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