Pay Attention!

Written by Deborah Willis

Continued from page 1

Think about would you feel if you were telling her about an important event in your life and she interrupts with, "I sawrepparttar cutest dress today that would match my new shoes just perfectly." How would you feel? You'd probably be taken aback and think she couldn't care less about what you were saying to her. It wouldn't make you feel very important to her, would it? Of course it wouldn't.

Mutual respect is listening to one another and caring about one another's thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs. It's taking into considerationrepparttar 149809 feelings ofrepparttar 149810 other person as well as your own feelings, particularly when making decisions that affect both of you. It's just that simple.

There is nothing so frustrating to a woman than when she is pouring out her heart and soul to you only to realize you haven't been listening at all. Whenever a woman begins a conversation with, "We need to talk" or "I want to talk to you"'s time to tune out everything else going on in your brain and listen to every word she says. Those two phrases are an indication she's about to say something important and you need to pay attention.

Learning to listen is a big part of communication. The ability to communicate is a very important part of every relationship and that skill will serve you well in many aspects of life. Masteringrepparttar 149811 art of communication is vital to your relationships with women.

Copyright 2005 Deborah Willis All Rights Reserved

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Deborah Willis is the author of ATTRACT WOMEN -- The Average Man's Guide to Attracting, Dating, Loving, and Maintaining Relationships with Women. For more advice on relationship skills visit This article may be freely reprinted as long as the article resource is left intact and there is a live link to the author's web site.

Is it Lust or Love?

Written by Deborah Willis

Continued from page 1

1. Do you share similar ethics, values, and morals? 2. Do you find it easy to talk to one another and can you talk freely about almost anything? 3. Do you enjoyrepparttar time you spend with one another, regardless ofrepparttar 149808 activity? 4. Do you enjoy evenrepparttar 149809 most mundane activities when you are together, simply because you ARE together? 5. Do you have a genuine concern forrepparttar 149810 happiness, safety, and well-being ofrepparttar 149811 other person? 6. Are you able to work out any differences you may have with this person torepparttar 149812 satisfaction of both of you? 7. When disagreements arise, are you able to discuss them openly and frankly without losing your temper? 8. Do you find yourself longing for this person's presence in your life in terms other than a sexual relationship? In other words, do you feel a need simply to be with that person and spend time with them even without having sex? 9. Can you laugh together and at one another, share jokes, and generally have fun together? 10. Does spending time with this person make you feel good about yourself? 11. Does this person give you a heightened sense of self-confidence and vitality? 12. Can you look at this person even when they are at their worst in their physical appearance (such as when they are sick) and not feel repulsed? 13. Do you share a strong mutual respect for one another? 14. Are you willing and able to share both good times and bad with this person and work through life's ups and downs together as a team?

There is a very fine line between lust and love becauserepparttar 149813 two of them are closely related. Being able to tellrepparttar 149814 difference can save you from wasting your time pursuing an unhealthy relationship which is doomed to eventual failure.

If your long-term goal is to seek out a partner with whom you can build a solid, lifetime commitment, knowingrepparttar 149815 difference between lust and love is an essential and vital skill you'll want to master. Learning to accept a relationship for what it really is can meanrepparttar 149816 difference between a broken heart and a happy, fulfilling, lifetime of bliss with your partner.

Copyright 2005 Deborah Willis All Rights Reserved

About the Author Deborah Willis is the author of ATTRACT WOMEN -- The Average Man's Guide to Attracting, Dating, Loving, and Maintaining Relationships with Women. For more information visit This article may be freely reprinted as long as the article resource is left intact and there is a live link to the author's web site.

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