Pay-Per-Click Search Engines: A Really Bad Investment

Written by Dean Phillips

Continued from page 1

And even if you cutrepparttar bid price in half and made it $0.30, there's still another problem. It's called click fraud and it's a major problem among all ofrepparttar 120173 pay-per-click search engines.

In a nutshell, click fraud is what occurs when someone fraudently clicks on your ad over and over again, without any intention of responding to your offer. Click fraud hurts advertisers by driving uprepparttar 120174 cost of each click because many online advertising programs adjustrepparttar 120175 price of each click based onrepparttar 120176 popularity of a particular keyword and repparttar 120177 number of competing advertisers.

And depending on how popular your keyword is, it can take just a few minutes to register hundreds or even thousands of clicks. Click fraud can quickly deplete your pay-per-click account and leave you with nothing to show for your expentiture.

Atrepparttar 120178 present time,repparttar 120179 pay-per-click search engines seem to be powerless to stop click fraud. To their credit, Google even admitted as such.

In a recent filing torepparttar 120180 Securities and Exchange Commission, Google acknowledged, "We are exposed torepparttar 120181 risk of fraudulent clicks on our ads. We have regularly paid refunds related to fraudulent clicks and expect to do so in repparttar 120182 future. If we are unable to stop this fraudulent activity, these refunds may increase. If we find new evidence of past fraudulent clicks, we may have to issue refunds retroactively of amounts previously paid to our Google Network members."

In conclusion, because of unreasonably high bid prices and rampant, out of control click fraud, I consider pay-per- click search engines a really bad investment, and recommend you stay away from them!

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto:

Visit his website at:

Simple Joint Ventures Make Small Niche Sites big bucks!

Written by Jeff Lugeanbeal

Continued from page 1

His other potential customers come from a joint venture with a couple of jewelry stores. He simply obtains customer addresses from a few jewelry store owners and mailsrepparttar catalog out. In return,repparttar 120172 jewelry store owners get mentioned in his catalog and their websites are listed. No revenue is shared.

So you can see thatrepparttar 120173 majority of his traffic and sales are from simple offline marketing because there aren't many people searching for his product directly from their computers. He has to place a catalog in their hands to get customers.

It's really that simple for him. Just imagine if you have a #1 listing in google for a high demand keyword. Tons of traffic to your site, and your simple job is to presellrepparttar 120174 customer and closerepparttar 120175 sale!

Jeff Lugeanbeal- Sought after Health and fitness professional, motivational and nutritional coach, is a recognized authority On the subject of weight loss. His Web site, provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'd ever need to know about permanent, natural fat loss and will help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted.

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