Password Security - How Secure are You?

Written by Pencil Dude

Continued from page 1

So what do we do?

Security Tips:

> The best passwords consist of non-sequential numbers and letters used in a combination. Don't use words or word and number combinations that can be guessed at.

> Don't userepparttar same password for different sites. Especially your banking password(s).

> Don't store your passwords on your computer. Data on your computer is subject to remote theft. In addition you should protect yourself with a good firewall and anti-virus software.

> Don't write down your passwords on a sticky note and place it on your monitor, under your keyboard, mouse pad, etc...

> The best secure place for a password is in your head. However we all know that our heads are full of a lot of other info, and our non-sequential passwords may be difficult for us to remember... If you must write down a password - lock it up when it's not in use, or atrepparttar 107806 very least, stash it safely.

> Change your password frequently; particularlyrepparttar 107807 really important ones.

> Use passwords that are at least eight digits long. If you're given a choice always opt for a long password as each digit makes it a longer and harder process of cracking.

> Do not share your passwords with anyone. If you have to share your password because a technician is working on your PC, or a web site techie is installing a script on your site or a designer is uploading some web pages to your site, then changerepparttar 107808 password(s) as soon asrepparttar 107809 work is done.

Conducting transactions onrepparttar 107810 web is safe. Doing business onrepparttar 107811 web is safe. Filling out forms onrepparttar 107812 web is also safe. As long as you exercise a bit of security consciousness on your part these activities are no more at risk than they are inrepparttar 107813 off-line world.

Pencil Dude is the publisher of the popular e-zine, Pencil Dude's Picks! What's he picked this month? Click on over and take a look:

What's With All Those Error Messages?

Written by Stephen Bucaro

Continued from page 1

One thing I've learned as a programmer is that users will always find a way to break your program. A programmer designsrepparttar application to be used in a logical manner. Users never readrepparttar 107805 help file. They just start executing menu selections in an irrational manner. The program crashes.

Let's make one thing clear. It isrepparttar 107806 programmers duty to anticipate every possible way thatrepparttar 107807 user can operaterepparttar 107808 application, and to code provisions to protectrepparttar 107809 program andrepparttar 107810 user from undesirable results. With a large, powerful and complex application this requires an enormous amount of testing and debugging time.

The concept of "beta" software (and most freeware and shareware) is to tossrepparttar 107811 application out torepparttar 107812 public and let them dorepparttar 107813 testing. Forrepparttar 107814 application developer, this has advantages and disadvantages. Advantage: you get better testing and it's free. Disadvantage: The public doesn't understand "beta" software andrepparttar 107815 application may get a bad reputation as being buggy.

Nonsensical Error Messages

You accidentally try to save a file to a drive that doesn't exist and you getrepparttar 107816 error message "Error, choose another color". Nonsense error messages result fromrepparttar 107817 way error messages are coded into a program. For example, an application may have six different places inrepparttar 107818 code where it opens a file. The programmer can coderepparttar 107819 error message "File doesn't exist" six times, orrepparttar 107820 programmer can code a list containing allrepparttar 107821 error messages used inrepparttar 107822 application and then referencerepparttar 107823 message in that list.

The list may contain hundreds of messages. Now, while coding,repparttar 107824 programmer needs another error message. The programmer can add an accurate message torepparttar 107825 list, or choose to reference an existing message. The lazy programmer chooses to reference an existing message inrepparttar 107826 list that only vaguely relates torepparttar 107827 actual error.

Next time your application pops up some cryptic error message, you now have some idea as to whatrepparttar 107828 message means. Most errors are not caused by somethingrepparttar 107829 user did. They are caused by programmers mistakes. You also now know why you sometimes get nonsense error messages. ---------------------------------------------------------- Resource Box: Copyright(C)2003 Bucaro TecHelp. To learn how to maintain your computer and use it more effectively to design a Web site and make money onrepparttar 107830 Web visit To subscribe to Bucaro TecHelp Newsletter Send a blank email to ----------------------------------------------------------


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