Part 2: Jabberywoky Dreams

Written by K.S. Fellow

Continued from page 1

A trill so head pounding I could not bare it! with a blind searching I pounded my alarm clock with anger, for I had wanted to never realize I was dreaming. “Again...the same man that I dreamed onrepparttar bus.” With a sore throat I squeaked out, my words burning. The morning light made its self known as it brought onrepparttar 150720 boost ofrepparttar 150721 day’s mocking strum, no different thenrepparttar 150722 last to my ears. Who is this man, have you seen him before? “No.” Are you certain, “He’s to unworldly for me to of ever my world.” In your world perhaps. “Hum?” My lips felt bruised as they attempted to sip my routine morning tea, a roasted green tea that filled my lunges with a steamy warmth and familiarity, still hot and foaming. “Mmmm.” I rubbed my cheeks against my cold awakening hands, I moaned in a tiresome way. Feel like a morning run, a jog...or simply a walk...or even lesser yet...a stroll? “Possibly...yes.” I murmured in a yawn, thinking to my dark pool of tea.

Took no more notice of time then a flash and I was partly dressed and out my door. Not a noise to be heard, to cold for evenrepparttar 150723 most playful of neighbor hood children to be out, still, I took little to no notice ofrepparttar 150724 layers of clothes wrapped me in a comfortable warmth. ...

Part 3: The bird jogging

inspired when I forget

Children's Stories – the Essentials

Written by Ann Harth

Continued from page 1

*Satisfying ending

One aspect of a satisfying ending calls for a change in your main character. He must learn something, accept something or experience emotional growth. Your ending doesn't always have to be 'happily ever after' but it must be tight. The loose ends must be tied up and all characters accounted for and placed in reasonable situations. It is best to avoid lingering questions atrepparttar end of a children's book.

You don't want to hear: "So what happened torepparttar 150651 guy withrepparttar 150652 yellow belt?" or "But that kid was in Africa, so how did he get there?"

You do want to hear: "Aaaaaaah. I get it."

Pick up any children's storybook or middle-grade novel in your library or bookstore. You will find that most of them containrepparttar 150653 four basic ingredients. From a picturebook about a child's fear ofrepparttar 150654 basement to a fifteen-year-old's struggle with drinking,repparttar 150655 essentials will be included. Exercise your imagination. Create a character you care about and give him a problem. Use a fascinating setting as a backdrop and allow your character to use his own ingenuity and skills to achieve his goal or get out of his predicament. With these essentials in mind, your children's story can become a success.

Ann Harth is a freelance ghostwriter, manuscript assessor, copyeditor, and published author. Ann writes a regular column on running a home business for the Writing4SuccessClub website. Her columns can be viewed at Additional information on Ann Harth's published work and freelance services can be found on her website at

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