Parkinson's Disease: Its Over-Diagnosis and Under-Diagnosis

Written by Gary Cordingley

Continued from page 1

In my consultation practice of neurology, I see both over-diagnosis and under-diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. The problem usually centers on one ofrepparttar most visible of symptoms,repparttar 138241 tremor. When tremor ofrepparttar 138242 hands is present, doctors often diagnose Parkinson's disease, even when another condition is to blame. When tremor is absent, doctors often fail to consider Parkinson's disease, even when it is present.

One key to accurate diagnosis is to focus onrepparttar 138243 characteristics ofrepparttar 138244 tremor itself. The Parkinsonian tremor usually affects one hand first, and at all stages ofrepparttar 138245 diseaserepparttar 138246 initially affected hand remains more tremulous thanrepparttar 138247 other hand. And, as Parkinson himself emphasized,repparttar 138248 tremor is most evident whenrepparttar 138249 hand is at rest or supported, and decreases whenrepparttar 138250 hand is inrepparttar 138251 air or put to use. In other conditions that cause hand-tremors,repparttar 138252 hands are more equally affected, andrepparttar 138253 tremor is more evident whenrepparttar 138254 hands are inrepparttar 138255 air or put to use.

What about cases in which no tremor is present? Because symptoms of Parkinson's disease worsen slowly—year by year instead of month by month—patients and their families often mistake these changes as due to normal, healthy aging.

Non-tremor symptoms of Parkinson's disease can include relative immobility of body-parts (hypokinesia), especially ofrepparttar 138256 face which can show a mask-like lack of expression. Movements, once initiated, are slow (bradykinesia). Walking, as James Parkinson noted, involves a bent-forward posture with shuffling, short steps and reduced swinging ofrepparttar 138257 arms. Sometimesrepparttar 138258 body's center of gravity gets ahead ofrepparttar 138259 feet's ability to catch up, resulting inrepparttar 138260 passing "from a walking to a running pace" that Parkinson described and is known as festination.

The physical exam also shows clumsiness in hands and feet. Increased muscle tone, called "rigidity," is encountered inrepparttar 138261 patient's neck and arm muscles, even while they are supposed to be relaxed.

Patients who have Parkinson's disease without tremor are oftenrepparttar 138262 most gratifying cases to treat. Having developed their problems slowly and having believed all along that their symptoms were due to aging, they are happily astonished byrepparttar 138263 rapid improvement in function produced by appropriate medication.

(C) 2005 by Gary Cordingley

Gary Cordingley, MD, PhD, is a clinical neurologist, teacher and researcher. For more health-related articles see his website at:

Read This Before Buying Foreign Prescription Drugs

Written by Melissa Horn

Continued from page 1

It pays to "shop around" - Prices can vary from one pharmacy to another. However, instead of filling your medicines at a number of different pharmacies onrepparttar basis of lowest price or when you find a bargain price, ask if your regular store will match it. It's best to buy your medicines at a pharmacy that keeps track of everything you're taking, sorepparttar 138221 pharmacist can warn you about potentially harmful medicine interactions.

Pay Attention torepparttar 138222 Quantity - Find out how much medication you really may need, and make sure your doctor doesn't order you more medicine than is necessary to treat your condition. In addition, make sure you understand exactly what it is meant to do and for how long. If you are prescribed two drugs forrepparttar 138223 same symptom, ask if you really need both.

Look into prescription medicine discount programs fromrepparttar 138224 manufacturers - Most pharmaceutical companies have programs that provide medicines at little cost or offer discounts on their medicines for people with low to modest incomes and/or no insurance coverage. Check manufacturers' websites, including, for more details.

Veterans May Qualify for More Benefits - Recent laws have changed that grant veterans medical benefits for certain illnesses like diabetes and hypertension, providedrepparttar 138225 veteran is subject to qualifying conditions like Agent Orange exposure. To see if you qualify for benefits contactrepparttar 138226 Veteran’s Administration.

Once a year, have your doctor review your medications - Find out if you are paying for some drugs you no longer need or if less expensive versions have become available sincerepparttar 138227 last time you checked. In addition, it’s a good idea to review all your prescriptions with your pharmacist in addition to your doctor. A pharmacist's valuable knowledge is free, and s/he may find something your doctor missed. Ask questions about side effects and drug interactions.

Join AmeriPlan® USA - AmeriPlan® USA,repparttar 138228 nation’s premier health benefits plan, can save you up to 50% off most generic drugs and up to 25% off most name brand drugs at thousands of retail pharmacies nationwide. Plus by usingrepparttar 138229 plan’s mail-order service, you can expect to see even greater savings.

But AmeriPlan® saves you money on much more than prescriptions. Included, at no additional cost, are Dental benefits, Vision care benefits and Chiropractic care benefits. Even withrepparttar 138230 combined four benefits, AmeriPlan® is more affordable than traditional insurance – only $11.95 a month for an individual and $19.95 a month for an entire household.

Let’s face it, sooner or later you or someone in your family will need a medication prescribed by a doctor. The question is not will you pay forrepparttar 138231 drug but rather which price will you be paying? Full Retail Price orrepparttar 138232 AmeriPlan® discounted price?

Find out more about how you can save money with AmeriPlan® Health by visiting

*************************************** AmeriPlan Health® benefit programs are NOT insurance, nor are they an alternative to or substitution for insurance coverage. You must use an AmeriPlan® provider and payrepparttar 138233 discounted fee atrepparttar 138234 time of service. Visit for more information.

This article was written by Melissa Horn, a mother of two kids under five, a novice golfer & an AmeriPlan USA Broker. Contact her at

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