Parents and Children Working Together

Written by Debbie Long

Continued from page 1

A time to remember Many children begin to recognize words on a page betweenrepparttar ages of 4—7. In today’s world this may begin by recognition of a logo, a favorite cereal box, orrepparttar 145772 cover of their favorite bed time story book. Think back to a time when you were young. What do you remember recognizing? You can help remove part ofrepparttar 145773 mystery without worrying about a lot of theory. Just readrepparttar 145774 stories and poems and let them work their wonders. There is no better way to prepare your child for that moment when reading starts to ‘click,’ even if it is years downrepparttar 145775 road. Whenrepparttar 145776 time comes that your child wants to read yourepparttar 145777 story, fromrepparttar 145778 pictures, by all means let them, even ifrepparttar 145779 story is not being told as perrepparttar 145780 written page. This is justrepparttar 145781 beginning of their desire to read to you. You can help your child’s transition by: •Pointing torepparttar 145782 print as you read aloud. •Words on a page have meaning, and that is what we learn to read. •Followrepparttar 145783 words with your finger as you read.

The above is an example of hieroglyphics. Can you imagine how you would feel if you were trying to translate an entire book of these symbols? That’s how children feel. But with a little patience, understanding and game playing it is certain to build confidence. It is no secret that activities at home are important supplements torepparttar 145784 classroom. There are things that parents and caregivers can give a child at home thatrepparttar 145785 classrooms can not give. Memories of good time spent together to treasure,repparttar 145786 stories that made them laugh and cry, sharing these times with someone they love andrepparttar 145787 way that it was taught to them to pass on to their own children. By reading aloud together, by being examples, and by doing other activities, parents are in a unique position to help children enjoy reading and seerepparttar 145788 value of it.

Keepingrepparttar 145789 fun in learning It is important to keep reading time with your child fun and keeprepparttar 145790 tone and pace as lively as possible. Most children at some point will become distracted or just plain stubborn. It is in their nature to try and assert their own independence. If at this time you forcerepparttar 145791 issue of having to sit still and read they are likely to rebel, leaving you frustrated and them seeing that learning is a chore not a fun activity. It is best if you let your child setrepparttar 145792 pace and do something different. They will come back to it when they are ready. Being a parent can sometimes be compared to a trainer. It takes patience, confidence, and playfulness in your approach to getrepparttar 145793 desired results. Children love to learn but at times they need a little breathing room. This way their interest will always be renewed. It is important to try and keep to a schedule for reading with your child. This helps give your child a solid of organization and a time too look forward to each day. One ofrepparttar 145794 best times is at bed time. This not only encouragesrepparttar 145795 child to get ready for bed but helps to relax them, preparing them for a peaceful sleep. If you have more than one child, it is important to try and give each a reading time alone. However, it is also a big benefit to read together and allowrepparttar 145796 older child to participate inrepparttar 145797 reading to a younger child. This not only encouragesrepparttar 145798 older child to read but helps showrepparttar 145799 younger child that it is possible to make sense ofrepparttar 145800 jungle of words on a page. Encourage your child to ask questions about things they don’t understand, as well as give themrepparttar 145801 opportunity to voice what they think will happen next. Talking about Stories

Talking to your child about a story if often a good idea, however, don’t over-do it by feelingrepparttar 145802 need to discuss every story. Sometime a child needs a day or two to think about that you have read, then come back and ask questions about it or mention something that they remember. By allowing your child to voice their opinion on upcoming events inrepparttar 145803 story will also encourage them to think about what you are reading and promote reading comprehension. Another way to enhancerepparttar 145804 message that reading is fun for everyone, is to invite others to joinrepparttar 145805 story time, for time to time. This will give your child other opinions to think about a variety of storytelling routines. Remember to make reading with your child enjoyable, and increase writing, talking, and listening to boost your child’s love of language.

© copywrite Long, Debbie 2005 Debbie Long is a writer/illustrator and founding member of 'The Muse Program', a literacy program for children. Debbie has spent many years writing curriculum for The Muse Program based on the Board of Educations curriculum units. She currently has the first two books in the Imagination Series published. 'Short Stories with Imagination’ and ‘Story Building with Imagination’.


Written by Neil Goldberg

Continued from page 1

Most importantly, make sure your child fully understands that his payment history on this card and all future credit extensions will directly impact their credit report. Impress upon themrepparttar need to keep their credit score as high as possible, not only to help obtain additional credit when they need it, but to obtainrepparttar 145740 most favorable interest rates possible. Besides affecting their credit, they also should be made aware that their credit report can impact many other facets of their life; for instance their ability to get a job, get into college, get housing, or enter and remain inrepparttar 145741 Armed Forces. So before they assumerepparttar 145742 responsibility of accepting a credit card, make sure they fully realizerepparttar 145743 need to treat it withrepparttar 145744 utmost respect and are aware that, whether good or bad, their credit history will have a major affect on many areas of their adult life.

The Credit Counseling Foundation, Inc provides web-based education and personalized consumer credit counseling to clients and the general public in an effort to help consumers use credit wisely. Visit us at

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