Pain is Pain, No Matter Its Face

Written by Laurel Aiyana

Continued from page 1

Like Job, we all need an unwavering perseverance. The only way to deal withrepparttar pain and suffering is to go through it, not around it, or away from it. One must remember, however, that we need not go through it alone. Jesus is with us, and we also need to reach out to our church community. We need prayers, assistance and lots of hugs from other prayer warriors, who have likewise, have met their Goliaths. Trials strengthens and stretches all of us. If life was always easy, we’d be weak and superficial. I’m a single mother of two children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, rarely get child support on a regular basis, and suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Raynaud’s Disease. My pain is as real asrepparttar 126777 next person’s, and I’m just as deserving ofrepparttar 126778 Lord’s comfort and help, and I now can embrace it for myself, and receive His help. God doesn’t differentiate between types of pain. His love and healing are available to all indiscriminately. All we have to do is call on Him, and He’s there inrepparttar 126779 pain with us. He understands human suffering because He lived it, and suffered one ofrepparttar 126780 worse deaths imaginable. He truly knows pain and suffering, but by His stripes, we are healed, and we need to embrace that for ourselves, and never give up hoping, even duringrepparttar 126781 times when there seems like there’s no reason for hope. We must persevere, and if we do,repparttar 126782 Lord in all His mercy, will transform us, and we will walk intorepparttar 126783 promise land here on Earth.

No one saidrepparttar 126784 journey was easy, but those who push through, do make it, but we have to have faith and trust inrepparttar 126785 Lord, and when we don’t have that faith, we need to call on friends to have faith for us. God only requires us to have faithrepparttar 126786 size of a mustard seed. He grants us wide berth. How lucky we are to have such a loving God that truly knows our suffering, and is more than willing to dry our tears.

Those who sow in tears

Shall reap in joy.

He who continually goes

Forth weeping,

Bearing seed for sowing,

Shall doubtless come again

With rejoicing

Bringing his sheaves with him (Psalm 126:5-6)

At age 41, I am trying to reinvent myself and follow my passion to write. For years, I've had the responsible job to pay the bills, discounting the possibility that I could make money at something I love. Now I'm hoping for a new life and a new career.

Chasing the Rainbows End

Written by Laurel Aiyana

Continued from page 1

Years ago,repparttar critics in my life, and in my own head, encouraged me to deal with responsibilities –repparttar 126776 IT profession wasrepparttar 126777 best way to supportrepparttar 126778 children, and carve outrepparttar 126779 best possible life for myself. The inner critic agreed with them, and I squelchedrepparttar 126780 desires to become a professional writer torepparttar 126781 point, I stopped writing all together for 15 years. Everyone kept telling me that there’s only a one in a billion shot at becoming a successful writer and getting my novels published. I may have bought into it then, but I’ve discovered life is too short not to follow your passion. Therefore, I’m giving it a shot, and trying to write something worth reading. Overrepparttar 126782 years, I’ve managed to get some poetry published; now I want something more. I’ve hired a writing coach, and I’m trying to write something, anything, each and every day. I’ve even started my first novel –repparttar 126783 one I’ve always wanted to write, but wasn’t sure I was good enough at my art. I know if I don’t try, I’ll never know what it’s like to actually find who I was destined to be, and I’ll live a life full of regrets for having failed to try.

One valuable lesson I will definitely pass on to my children, is to follow your heart, despite all those who try to discourage them. I, for one, will no longer be one of those critics. My son, Sean, is an incredibly gifted singer, song writer, and guitarist. I used to push him to do all he could do to prepare for college, and consider a major in music education, so he could always teach and make a good living, ifrepparttar 126784 band thing didn’t pan out. No more will I be my son’s critic, and squelch his dreams as being impossible If he must grow his hair long, and wear an earring, and play music all night, I will not rain on his parade. At least, he will know he tried to use his God-given gifts, and didn’t let them lie dormant.

My daughter, like myself, hasrepparttar 126785 passion for words. She writes stories in her free time. Thanks torepparttar 126786 internet, I can find endless essay contests for her to enter. Sure we’ll all meet with some discouragement and rejection, but we’ll haverepparttar 126787 peace and contentment of doing what truly makes us happy – what we were put here on this planet to do. In this, we will findrepparttar 126788 pot of gold andrepparttar 126789 end ofrepparttar 126790 rainbow. If we aren’t rich, at least our spirits will be.

At 41, I'm trying to reinvent myself, and follow my passion to write. For years, I've had what I considered the responsible job to pay the bills, and discounting writing as a valid career choice. I now want to follow the dream to become a Christian writer

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