Pa-Kua Feng Shui Basics

Written by Steven M. Ng

Continued from page 1

The calculator will provide you with your Kua Number, and more importantly, what each Pa-Kua direction means to you. In short, four of those directions will be positive and favorable to you, whilerepparttar other four will have negative connotations for you.

The eight Pa-Kua directions can be briefly summarized as follows:

Sheng Chi (Life Generating) - This Pa-Kua direction is your prosperity and wealth direction. You would focus on this direction if you are interested in financial strength.

Tien Yi (Heavenly Doctor) - This direction is your health direction. You would focus on this direction if you are interested in health and physical matters.

Nien Yin (Relationships) - This direction is your relationships direction. You would focus on this direction if you have troubled relationships and would like to improve your love life and/or your marriage.

Fu Wei (Stability) - This direction is your stability and knowledge direction. You would focus on this direction if you want to achieve tranquility and knowledge.

Ho Hai (Mishaps) - The first negative Pa-Kua direction is your accident or misfortune direction. You would focus on this direction if you want to reduce unforeseen accidents or loss.

Wu Gwei (Five Ghosts) - This direction is your financial loss direction. You would focus on this direction to prevent theft and other financial woes.

Liu Sha (Six Killings) - This direction is your "evil" direction. You would focus on this direction to ward off malevolence against you.

Chueh Ming (Total Loss) - This direction is your loss and death direction. You would focus on this direction to reduce physical loss and death around you.

For more information onrepparttar 122167 Nien Yin (Love and Relationship) corner, you can read:

Steven maintains the Mandarin Duck Feng Shui website at It provides information on how mandarin ducks are able to help improve relationships using Feng Shui principles.

What Your Daydreams Reveal

Written by Joi Sigers

Continued from page 1

When things are going well, most of a person's thoughts will be positive. When they aren't going well,repparttar opposite is true. Have a heart to mind talk with yourself and see whererepparttar 122166 negativity is coming from, then do what you can to remove it. Ifrepparttar 122167 talk points to feelings of self-depreciation, do something about it - get a new hairstyle, color your hair, change make-up, get a new top, get in shape....whatever it takes to make you feel better about you.

Ifrepparttar 122168 talk indicates thatrepparttar 122169 problems stem from someone else, it's not quite as simple, but it's also very manageable. Simply talk to those around you. Not confrontationally, of course. Just openrepparttar 122170 lines of communication up.

Another common daydream is one of grandeur. We either save a life, shoot below par, look like a child spawned by Rita Hayworth and Rock Hudson, or tell our boss off in spades (or all four on a really good day). They're harmless little escapes fromrepparttar 122171 toils and troubles of daily lives. The biggest difference between these daydreams andrepparttar 122172 first ones isrepparttar 122173 fact that they are positive. You're focusing positive energy as opposed to negative energy - and that's always a very good thing. It's so much more healthy for your mind and even body.

You must be cautious, however, not to live in these sorts of daydreams. It's sort of likerepparttar 122174 ESCAPE key on your keyboard. It's absolutely necassary sometimes, but where would you get if you kept one finger on it at all times? Not far!

This article is one of many featured at, a website dedicated to the world of dreams and the study of dream interpretation. Feel free to e-mail the author at

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