"P" Your Way To Online Business Success!

Written by Jeff D. Schuman

Continued from page 1

I always look forrepparttar top dog inrepparttar 106154 field I am selling in. Align yourself to them anyway you can. Subscribe to their FREE newsletters. Buy their books. Pick uprepparttar 106155 phone and call them. Get involved with them anyway you can. They arerepparttar 106156 movers and shakers that haverepparttar 106157 experience only time and effort can teach.

When you have a great product and are involved withrepparttar 106158 right mentors,repparttar 106159 next steps will begin to fall into place. Every product has to be priced right forrepparttar 106160 market you are in. Fortunately home businesses have many benefits when it comes to pricing. Keeping your overhead down and using home business tax benefits to fund your business will help keep your pricing at a competitive level fromrepparttar 106161 very beginning.

Developing a successful marketing program to promote your product is always repparttar 106162 big question mark inrepparttar 106163 "Amazing Sales Formula"! This process never ends. And it will change over time. The key is to be persistent and to keep your eyes onrepparttar 106164 end result. We all need to turn a profit in our businesses every day. Many people will quit before they ever get to that level of profitability.

If you will continue to work every day and keep your eyes onrepparttar 106165 6 "P" words then you to can have a successful online business turning a profit and allowing yourepparttar 106166 benefits that come fromrepparttar 106167 "Amazing Sales Formula!

Jeff Schuman is the President of TeamSchuman.Com. He publishes a FREE eNewsletter called TeamSchuman Marketplace! He has made over $30 Million Dollars in sales in the last 10 years. His popular eCourse "P" Your Way To Online Business Success" is available for FREE by sending a blank email to: marketplaceinfo@listwarrior.com

So you want to be an Internet Millionaire?

Written by Toni Ceely

Continued from page 1

Tip # 8 – You should be prepared to spend money on your business. You will need to market and promote your business just as you would an offline business.

Tip # 9 – You should have your own domain. A domain name of your own is essential to success.

Tip # 10 – If possible you should have a mentor who is already successful. I don’t know what I would do without my mentor. (Thanks Jan !!!)

Tip # 11 – You should publish a newsletter or Ezine to keep in contact with potential customers and make sure you offer good, quality content. No one wants to receive an Ezine that is nothing but rehashed articles and ads. Limitrepparttar number of ads you run, even if you are selling ad space. I would not put more than 5 or 6 ads per issue. Always give people an easy way to unsubscribe.

If you follow these tips, you can be a success onrepparttar 106153 Internet. It won’t happen overnight and anyone who tells you it will is lying to you. It will take time, money and hard work, but if you are willing to be patient and work at your business, you can make it.

You must treat your business as a business, not a hobby. Make a business plan, plan a budget, make a marketing plan and plan to give yourself a year to build up a decent business. If it works out faster, that’s just a bonus.

I wish you allrepparttar 106154 success you could want and none ofrepparttar 106155 heartaches.

Toni Ceely isrepparttar 106156 owner of Ceely TeleCom at http://www.ceelytelecom.com andrepparttar 106157 publisher of Family, Friends and Good Times – The Ezine. You may subscribe by sending a blank email to: mailto:GoodTimes-subscribe@topica.com

Toni Ceely is the owner of Ceely TeleCom at http://www.ceelytelecom.com and the publisher of Family, Friends and Good Times – The Ezine. You may subscribe by sending a blank email to: mailto:GoodTimes-subscribe@topica.com

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