Written by Rosella Aranda

Continued from page 1

I’ve decided that IT DOESN’T MATTER what excuse we’ve been using up until now! No more!

I know from experience that a few minutes each morning reviewing and writing down my major goals is time well spent, and it’s not a difficult task. Actually, I was having great fun with it.

I found myself experiencing subtle but powerful changes as I committed my ideas to paper day after day over a period of months. In fact, I was feeling so grounded and motivated that I foolishly quit doingrepparttar things that were keeping me that way!

So no more excuses for me. I have resumed my goal-writing and I intend to just DO IT! Why don’t you join me? No more arguments. No ifs, ands or buts. Just do it.

So now that we are making our goals more tangible, just who do we share these goals with? My personal experience has taught me to be very guarded and private about my innermost desires.

If you know that you are dealing with someone who shares your commitment, you can freely share your ideas and gain an important ally. HOWEVER, unless you are absolutely certain that you will be supported 100%, I would recommend that you not share your goals with anyone else. No, not even your family. In many instances, ESPECIALLY not your family.

It is a pity, but oftentimesrepparttar 122854 people who are supposed to be our staunchest supporters act shamefully like cruel opponents. “You can’t do that.” “What makes you think you’re so special? You can’t compete with those guys.” “Oh, man, they say you coming!”

Such cruel remarks. And they hit particularly hard because they come fromrepparttar 122855 very people who are supposed to elevate us, to buoy us up whenrepparttar 122856 going gets rough. Some of these people might claim that they do this out of love, to keep us from getting hurt. This may be true, but personally, I don’t think it matters what their motives are. The damage is still just as severe. These people will steal our dreams if we let them.

It’s particularly sad when we arerepparttar 122857 ones saying these hateful things to ourselves. Not aloud perhaps, but in our dismal thoughts and sighs. Don’t steal your own dreams, my friend.

We need to keep a high polish on our heartfelt desires. If, and only if, we really make those goals shine like beacons inrepparttar 122858 sky, then we will findrepparttar 122859 energy keep primingrepparttar 122860 pump. Day in and day out, we’ve got to suit up and show up! (Actually, you can stay in your pajamas, but you do have to show up.)

Asrepparttar 122861 great motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, used to say, “A big shot is just a little shot that kept on shooting.” (Stay tuned for Part 3.)

Rosella Aranda, international marketer, writer and business mentor, collaborates with a team of highly experienced professionals dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve financial freedom and peace of mind. or visit

Work is the key

Written by Leon van der Walt

Continued from page 1

So what are we, who tend to inertia, to do? It is simple really: just takerepparttar next step, andrepparttar 122853 next, andrepparttar 122854 next, andrepparttar 122855 next... For every step of your journey, you will come up with excuses or reasons not to go on. Use your mind to steamroller these objections. What do I mean by this? Let me use an example. Until recently I had a problem getting up inrepparttar 122856 morning when my alarm would go off. Often I would snooze it until there is no more snooze left onrepparttar 122857 alarm (an hour later). What I started to do is,repparttar 122858 evening before, I would imagine what I would feel like whenrepparttar 122859 alarm goes off. How I would grumble while still feeling very sleepy. I would imagine how I would go torepparttar 122860 bathroom even thinking that I would want to sleep some more. I would then pre-programme my mind to react to these objections and steamroller them. I would switch ofrepparttar 122861 alarms instead of snoozing it ("Its too much effort to set

the alarm again just to get some more sleep"), I would switch onrepparttar 122862 radio ("I cannot sleep with all that noise and its too much effort to switch off as its in a different room") and I would startrepparttar 122863 bath tap running ("I would not want to wasterepparttar 122864 water already run"). After a bath or shower I would be awake and not thinking of sleep anymore. And inrepparttar 122865 end I would even imagine being proud of myself for overcoming my own objections and getting up early. Inrepparttar 122866 same way we should do this with allrepparttar 122867 other things that require work or effort - imagine your objections, imagine yourself steamrolling your objections and most important of all imagine you are successful at it.

What if you would fail? What if you would fall? Just get up and takerepparttar 122868 next step. Never cease your journey because you have fallen. Remember how far you have come - allrepparttar 122869 steps you have taken. If you want to be successful, work isrepparttar 122870 key. Yes, even repetitive work. And after you have toiled, you will come to realise "The pen might be mightier thanrepparttar 122871 sword, butrepparttar 122872 plough is mightier than all."

Leon van der Walt is an aspiring netrepreneur in the fields of inspiration and financial freedom. Leon has a masters degree in quantitative risk management and when not working on the Net is a bank employee. He strives to continually improve himself and is focussing on increasing financial literacy. He is the web master at and can be contacted at

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