Written by Rosella Aranda

Continued from page 1

This gives you an idea of what to expect when you start your own business.

Just as your body fat becomes flabbier before it is actually burned off and converted to muscle, your mind may need to grapple with old negative, “flabby” thinking patterns while it learns how to convert those thoughts to a new, more positive framework.

Mental work is very taxing, even more so than physical work. Your brain might feel a little “sore” fromrepparttar extra work-out, and you might find yourself needing a little more sleep than usual, at least for a while. Most people don’t get enough sleep as it is, so a little indulgence while you temporarily “catch a few more zzzz” is probably a good idea.

Let’s try another analogy. How many of you have ever had to pump water from a well? Starting a profitable home business is like priming a pump. You feel thirsty and want something to drink, so you picture a big jug of nice, cool water, and you head forrepparttar 122858 well. Desire, vision, action.

When you first start to pump for water, you pump and you pump, but nothing comes out. There is nothing wrong withrepparttar 122859 pump. This, too, is part ofrepparttar 122860 process. Knowing this, you keep on pumping and pumping.

Finally,repparttar 122861 water reachesrepparttar 122862 top ofrepparttar 122863 well and it starts to trickle out. Pretty soon, all you have to do is keep applying slow, steady pressure, andrepparttar 122864 water just comes gushing out!

It's like that with building a business, too.

Remember that we are ENTREPRENEURS, my friend. Pioneers, if you will. We are notrepparttar 122865 9 to 5 employees who do a straight, mediocre exchange of time for money. In this business, 95% of what we do will SEEM like wasted energy. This is an illusion!! ALL of our activity is part ofrepparttar 122866 process, and it will pay off handsomely if we just don't give up.

I know I’ve not provided you with any new earth-shattering information. What I HAVE done is to remind you of things that you already know but may have temporarily forgotten.

Also, I hope that I’ve given you an analogy that might just berepparttar 122867 one that “catches,”repparttar 122868 one that resonates with you,repparttar 122869 one that you can readily call to mind in a moment of need, and most especially,repparttar 122870 one that will cause you to keep putting one foot in front ofrepparttar 122871 other and to keep on keepin’ on! This is my fervent desire.

Andrepparttar 122872 crowd roars, “Prime that pump, Baby! Rah, rah, rah!!! Prime that pump, Baby! Sis, Boom, Bah!!!” (Stay tuned for Part 2.)

Rosella Aranda, international marketer, writer and business mentor, collaborates with a team of highly experienced professionals dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve financial freedom and peace of mind. or visit

'Tis the Season

Written by Becky Waters

Continued from page 1

Now, these are not all bad. There are some very good things aboutrepparttar season.... getting together with family you haven't seen for awhile, showing appreciation to other people in your life.... anything done, said or given freely without obligation or agenda.... these are good.

However, doing things out of obligation is not. Being swept up inrepparttar 122857 middle of someone else's agenda is not. These things suckrepparttar 122858 life out of me and get my radical, break-all-the-rules blood boiling.

What if.... no one gave gifts one Christmas? What if it was repparttar 122859 "norm" to give your time to someone outside your regular sphere of friends or family? What if you anonymous hid $1, $5, or even $10 or $20 bills as you went about your day, leaving them for someone else to find? What if you made a game out of seeing just how many different people you could look into their eyes and say a sincere "Merry Christmas"?

What if....?

Here's to finding time to breathe and havingrepparttar 122860 courage to spreadrepparttar 122861 real joy ofrepparttar 122862 season.

Becky Waters is dedicated to helping people create happier, more fulfilling lives for themselves. Working with people who are serious about living authentically, she provides coaching, inspiration and resources that enable her clients to create fulfilling, meaningful lives of passion and open-hearted awareness.

Visit her weblog at Visit her website at

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