Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Continued from page 1

As one man wrote, “Noise pollution? I think this is true. Perfect example: I'm inrepparttar bathroom at work standing at a urinal, doing my business. If someone walks in - another introvert - they will just do their business and leave. If an extrovert - like one ofrepparttar 123304 sales guys - walks in - immediately conversation ensues. ‘How bout those Mets?’ type conversation. Drives me berserk.”

A woman onrepparttar 123305 Forum replied, “If you think that’s bad, I’ve been inrepparttar 123306 women’s room when someone initiates a call fromrepparttar 123307 stall next to me and carries on a perky conversation with their boyfriend. That’s when I start flushingrepparttar 123308 toilet so perhaps she will be ashamed when someone onrepparttar 123309 other end hears what she’s doing. What has happened to people’s sense of decency?”

Aside from annoyance in public places, noise can disrupt one ofrepparttar 123310 things we introverts do best, contemplation. Introverts learn by turning facts into knowledge. We like to “think it over” and “connectrepparttar 123311 dots”. Contrary to popular belief by suspicious extroverts, that is more than likely what we are doing in our rooms withrepparttar 123312 doors closed – thinking something over!

Schopenhauer explains beautifully what happens when noise these deep thoughts of ours. “I explainrepparttar 123313 matter as follows,” he says. “as when a large diamond is broken to pieces its value is equal to only so many little diamonds, or when an army is reduced to small units it becomes ineffective, so when a great mind is interrupted, disturbed and distracted it is capable of no more than a commonplace mind, because its superiority consists in concentrating all its forces on one single point and object, inrepparttar 123314 same way as a concave mirror concentrates all its rays, and this is precisely what noisy interruption prevents it from doing.”

Schopenhauer is referring torepparttar 123315 fantastic ability most introverts have to focus. This is one ofrepparttar 123316 reasons we get our work done at work rather than sitting aroundrepparttar 123317 coffee room indulging in small talk. This isn’t even tempting to most of us. Most of us would rather die than small talk, truth be known. While we concentrate, we pull all our thoughts together to focus them on a point, contrast, synthesis or greater understanding. This isrepparttar 123318 way we think. This isrepparttar 123319 way we learn. When that process is interrupted, all is lost!

Schopenhauer continues, “That is why eminent minds have always been so extremely averse to every kind of disturbance, interruption and distraction, and most of all to violent interruption by noise, whilerepparttar 123320 rest are not especially troubled by it.” Perhaps not all introverts have “eminent” minds, and certainly few have minds like Schopenhauer; however, there is a known statistical correlation between introversion, giftedness, PhDs and Phi Beta Kappas. It would seem thatrepparttar 123321 higher you go in education and IQ intelligence,repparttar 123322 ratio of introverts to extroverts reverses itself with a majority of Rhodes Scholars being introverts, for example.

Think ofrepparttar 123323 most beautiful library you have ever seen a picture of and how soothing it is to imagine yourself sitting there reading or contemplating in “perfect” silence. Now that’s what we call “fun”! Almost every introvert I know, when dragged on a cruise, spends their time inrepparttar 123324 ships library. For us, silence can be very golden.

Last time I was in :Las Vegas -- extrovert Heaven -- my table at breakfast permitted me to eat, drink, chit chat, watch games on TV, buy tickets, mark cards and romancerepparttar 123325 waitress all atrepparttar 123326 same time. This is extrovert Heaven. Extroverts welcome diversion, distraction and interruption. What goes on in their minds? Schopenhauer said it pretty well, “Where there is nothing to interrupt, to be sure, it will cause no especial discomfiture.”

Nancy R. Fenn is the IntrovertZCoach. Her mission in life is to raise consciousness about introversion as a legitimate personality style. Visit Nancy on the web at

Get it Done - Put off procrastination forever!

Written by Frank F. Lunn

Continued from page 1

6.Clear off your desk and concentrate only on one task.

7.Developrepparttar habit of “Do it now!” especially with small tasks before they pile up.

8.Enjoy your time off and allow yourself to stay fresh for your project at hand.

9.Reward yourself alongrepparttar 123303 way. Delaying gratification until your final results is important, but small and targeted rewards can help move you down your path. Target rewards to suit your goals. If your goal is fitness, reward yourself with a new pair of running shoes as you progress.

10.Putrepparttar 123304 concept of incremental advantage on your side. Add more time to your day for a slight edge. Get up a little earlier or take less of a lunch break and over time you will begin to accomplish more than you thought you could. Not only will you get more done, but you will feel better and more in control of your destiny. Adding 1 hour of productive time a day is 365 hours a year that could be invested in your future. This isrepparttar 123305 rough equivalent of an extra 2 weeks a year of productivity.

Successfully getting what you want or achieving a goal boils down torepparttar 123306 following components: STACK- Set your courseTake ActionAccept results as feedbackCorrect course based on feedbackKeep on “Stacking The Logs!” Overcomingrepparttar 123307 temptation of procrastinating and taking action is absolutely essential to this strategy. Having a roadmap without traveling keeps you separated from your destination. Put off procrastinating and start downrepparttar 123308 road to your goals.

This is an excerpt from Frank F. Lunn’s book Stack The Logs! Building a Success Framework to Reach Your Dreams. This live-your-life-by-design book is part ofrepparttar 123309 Empowerment series published by Kahuna Business Group. Click here to order and start livingrepparttar 123310 life you desire…and deserve.

To learn more aboutrepparttar 123311 STACK Strategy or to take control of your life…purchase Stackrepparttar 123312 Logs! Visit or email One-tenth ofrepparttar 123313 selling price of $19.95 will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to furtherrepparttar 123314 work of: “Finding cures. Saving children.”

Frank F. Lunn is an expert in leadership, marketing, and small business entrepreneurship. A former military officer and Gulf War veteran, Lunn is the founder of the Kahuna Business Group, a $20 million annual company. Lunn is the author of STACK THE LOGS!: Building a Success Framework to Reach Your Dreams, pledging to donate 10 percent of all sales to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where his son’s life was saved.

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