Written by Blur Loterina

Continued from page 1

When you extract images fromrepparttar internet, most probably, you will have a poor quality image. Internet images are mostly saved in GIF or JPEG file format, which only consumes 72dpi. The purpose of saving image files on this resolution is to makerepparttar 107404 image easy to extract. Meaning, these images are not for print use.

Scanners, digital camera, computer monitor and other display devices userepparttar 107405 RGB (red, green, blue) color mode, while inrepparttar 107406 printing process CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) color mode is used. Meaning, you have to expect change inrepparttar 107407 color ofrepparttar 107408 image when you print it. To reducerepparttar 107409 problem, you must convert your image from RGB to CMYK. There are image editing programs that offer color conversion, such as Photoshop or Corel PhotoPaint.

Do not expect to get good images fromrepparttar 107410 internet. You must resort to other sources like real photos or pictures from magazines. When you scan, comparerepparttar 107411 size ofrepparttar 107412 photo torepparttar 107413 size of your layout. Ifrepparttar 107414 photo is larger than your layout, scanning at 300dpi is enough. If it is smaller, adjust your scanner’s resolution setting and percentage size. If there are texts overrepparttar 107415 image, lightenrepparttar 107416 image sorepparttar 107417 text will be readable. If you do not know how create good prints, you can resort to a printing press.

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What Tablet PCs Can Do for You

Written by Nick Smith

Continued from page 1

Finally, one ofrepparttar advantages of tablet PCs over regular laptops is that you don't lose any functionality from your computer. Tablets operate on similar platforms and run many ofrepparttar 107403 same programs. In fact, many programs integrate all of their normal functions with digital ink, so you can add notes to documents and even email your handwritten notes to someone.

Disadvantages of Tablet PCs

Despite my obvious zeal for tablet PCs, I recognize that there are still some disadvantages. First isrepparttar 107404 price. The prices for tablet PCs are coming down quite a bit from when they were first released, but on average, you can expect to spend more for a tablet PC than for its equivalent laptop. Depending onrepparttar 107405 bells and whistles you're looking for, expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 on up.

The handwriting-to-text conversion does not always workrepparttar 107406 way you wish it would. Just like speech-to-text systems require a trained style of speech to work properly, tablet PCs recognize a trained penmanship easier thanrepparttar 107407 way you may write naturally. A lot ofrepparttar 107408 kinks in these conversion systems have been worked out - but don't plan on handwriting your next novel expecting to be able to convert into a print-ready copy with no problems.

Finally, their smaller size is both an advantage and disadvantage. They are much more mobile than their laptop counterparts, butrepparttar 107409 viewing area is also smaller. Likewise,repparttar 107410 keyboard also shrinks down to accommodaterepparttar 107411 smaller size, so if you feel like your fingers are already cramped on a laptop-sized keyboard, you'll want to make sure you're going to be able to userepparttar 107412 tablet PCs before you buy one.

Nick Smith is a client account specialist with 10x Marketing - More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For organizational software that will help you take full advantage of tablet PCs, visit

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