PC to Phone VoIP over Dial-Up

Written by Nathan Smith

Continued from page 1

'Free Up' your Internet Connection

Givenrepparttar limited data capacity of dial-up connections, it's important that you devote as much of your bandwidth as possible torepparttar 118350 VoIP softphone application. To achieve maximum call quality, don't do anything that uses your bandwidth whilst making calls. This includes instant messaging, checking email, using a webcam, browsingrepparttar 118351 internet, downloading, etc. In Windows, you can look atrepparttar 118352 two little computers inrepparttar 118353 bottom right of your taskbar to see whether your connection is being used prior to calling (the little computers illuminate when data is being uploaded and/or downloaded).

Scan your System for Viruses, Spyware, Adware and Malware

Some of these malicious programs can hijack your browser, tie up your internet connection and slow down your system (not to mention seriously invade your privacy!). I recommend AdAware for free scanning and removal of Spyware/Adware. Once you've checked and cleansed your system of these nasty programs, your virus definition files should be updated to minimizerepparttar 118354 chances of re-infection.

Use a Headset with an Integrated Boom Microphone

Last but not least, using a headset with a boom microphone should eliminate those annoying voice echoes often associated with PC to phone calls. Echoes are caused by your microphone detectingrepparttar 118355 voice coming from your computer speakers and re-transmitting that voice signal back torepparttar 118356 person you're talking to. By using a headset,repparttar 118357 voice signals are limited in volume (due torepparttar 118358 headset being directly adjacent to your ears) and thusrepparttar 118359 chances of your microphone 're-transmitting' those voice signals is greatly reduced.

So there you have it. A lack of high speed Internet needn't mean a lack of PC to phone VoIP capability.

Nathan is the owner of http://www.netphonedirectory.com which deals specifically with PC to Phone and PC to PC VoIP. The site includes a comprehensive directory of PC to Phone service providers as well as general information on VoIP and what you need to make inexpensive long-distance telephone calls using your computer

Getting better exposure on download sites

Written by Bob Schwartz

Continued from page 1

Also how do you get exposure on a download site among 1000's of other products? Search engines are how! A large majority of downloads generated by a download site come from direct links torepparttar program information page from a search engine andrepparttar 118349 best way to get those organic search results for your program is to write a detailed keyword rich description for search engines to spider. If your program is in a very competitive market and you write a 1 or 2 sentence program description your program will never rank well where as a program in a competitive category with a detailed keyword rich description that is listed on many sites can easily dominaterepparttar 118350 search engine results. Can't get better exposure than that!

You've just finished a great program and marketing and getting exposure for that program takes a lot of work, but before you go throughrepparttar 118351 tedious process of submitting it torepparttar 118352 literally 1000's of download sites out there, spend some time onrepparttar 118353 product descriptions in your PAD files.

I am a shareware download site webmaster that runs 3 shareware sites with my main site Canistota Software at http://www.canistotasoftware.com

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