Written by Copyright 09-14-04 by Rachel Burd at

Continued from page 1

My high-yield team takes us to exotic places like:

Hawaii Athens, Greece Fuji Cancun, Mexico Las Vegas, Nevada

The greatest reward I have through all of this is showing other people how to dorepparttar same thing. I truly believe in teachingrepparttar 116707 people how to fish so they can eatrepparttar 116708 rest of their lives. Rather than give them food so they can eat one meal.

Oh Yeah! It is totally legal. If you want to know more, call me in Las Vegas at (702) 434-1280, or better yet, if you are planning to visit Las Vegas, call me and write off your trip! You can also visit my web site at

Join my high-yield team, and work from home. See me at or e-mail at

About the Author: Rachel Burd is a financial consultant with special interest in the real estate realm. She specializes in teaching the “How To’s” to business owners and future business owners. (702) 434-1280 or email:

A Simple Plan To Market Online - Earn Money Instantly!

Written by Heri Rosyadi

Continued from page 1

Okay now to sellrepparttar software just pick ebook software asrepparttar 116706 main keyword and now go to: And typerepparttar 116707 keyword "ebook software" you will get another several alternative keywords to use for your campaign.

You will also need to setup you maximum cost per click, I suggest just use $0.05-0.10. The idea is that google will show your ad and per click you will be charged asrepparttar 116708 cost that you have setup first. This way you will only pay google ifrepparttar 116709 google send you a qualified prospect.

Forrepparttar 116710 software you can use this ad: Headline: Easy Ebook Creator 1st line: Create Professional Ebooks 2nd line: With Ebook Cover Only $19.97 URL: (your Affiliate URL)

3. Monitor your campaign and make adjustment where necessary. You can edit your ad and add another keywords forrepparttar 116711 campaign.

Okay that's allrepparttar 116712 plan. That'srepparttar 116713 simple plan you can start applying it.

Heri Rosyadi publishes Home Business Tips, a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you`re looking for the *best rated* home business opportunities, the latest time saving tools and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and grab a F-R-E-E subscription today at:

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