Continued from page 1

The latest Paint Shop Pro features new enhanced filters. It has Digital Camera Noise Removal, which not only scans photos it also eliminates image noise introduced atrepparttar sensor while intelligently preserving image textures. Its Chromatic Aberration Removal removes undesirable coloured glow around images caused by digital cameras. It contains a Fill Flash Filter that correctsrepparttar 107257 underexposure of shadows and Backlighting Filter compensates for overexposed areas.

Not only does this software handle existing photos, it can also create images from scratch in both bitmap and vector format. It also has Rectangle and Oval tools. The Pen tool in this version is a lot simpler.

The new Art Media tool is a realistic art-based functionality that contains tools including Oil Brush, Palette Knife, Chalk, Pastel, Crayons, Colored Pencil and Marker. This tool features a traditional-style Mixer that’s just like those traditional artist’s tools. You can add, mix and sample your paint on an off-canvas area usingrepparttar 107258 new dockable palette. You can also convert photos to an artistic version by settingrepparttar 107259 colour to Trace, it automatically samplesrepparttar 107260 underlying colour.

However, working with this software requires longer time, but you can be assured of great results. It can convert average photos to outstanding shots with eye-popping quality and clarity.

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Setting up a Tape Backup Strategy for your Business

Written by Linus Chang

Continued from page 1

Well, atrepparttar end of each working day, putrepparttar 107256 tape intorepparttar 107257 drive. And as obvious as this sounds,repparttar 107258 correct tape should be placed inrepparttar 107259 drive. For example, placingrepparttar 107260 "Week 2" tape instead ofrepparttar 107261 "Week 3" tape inrepparttar 107262 tape drive will reducerepparttar 107263 effectiveness of your tape rotation strategy! Your tape backup software should take care ofrepparttar 107264 rest.

In addition, you should monitorrepparttar 107265 results of each backup to check for errors. For example, if a tape wears out and data cannot be verified, you need to take action and replace that tape. If some problem prevented a backup from completing, you need to know about it so that you can re-runrepparttar 107266 backuprepparttar 107267 next morning.

Be sure to also follow your manufacturer's guidelines for drive cleaning and maintenance.

Final notes

As strange as this seems, you should be atrepparttar 107268 mercy of your tape backup software. Andrepparttar 107269 more control it exerts over you,repparttar 107270 better! Let me explain...

NTBackup assumes that you insertrepparttar 107271 correct tape and it doesn't inform you of any errors. You are responsible for selectingrepparttar 107272 tape according to your tape rotation scheme, andrepparttar 107273 onus is on you to read result logs and discover if any errors occurred.

This means thatrepparttar 107274 file backup process is tedious and prone to human error. A complete solution for tape backup should take charge of your backup strategy for you.

A tape backup program should email tape rotation instructions andrepparttar 107275 results of backups to you or your secretary, making your task far simpler and minimizingrepparttar 107276 chance of human error. Selectrepparttar 107277 right tape backup software and you're already most ofrepparttar 107278 way to implementing a complete tape backup strategy for your business.

Linus Chang is a backup expert and the lead developer of BackupAssist - tape backup software that is simple and affordable, and perfect for small and medium businesses. Protect your Windows servers, including SQL Server and Exchange Server, to tape, REV drive, hard drive, NAS and more, at a fraction of the cost of other backup programs.

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