
Written by Rinatta Paries

Continued from page 1

If you feel as if you are being hurt, unjustly accused, if you feel angry, feel as if you want to lash out, remove yourself fromrepparttar situation temporarily, but immediately. This means put on your shoes and coat and walk outrepparttar 101973 door. Go for a long walk. Go shopping. Go to a movie. Go have a cup of coffee. Go sit in your car and call a friend. Do something that feels good and removes you fromrepparttar 101974 situation.

5. Once things are calm, don't ignore what happened.

Don't let sleeping dogs lie. In other words, once you have peace back, don't walk around on eggshells in order to prevent triggering another overreaction. Don't avoid talking about what happened in an open, honest, non-hurtful way.

Initiate a conversation to better understand what happened. Start with something like, "You had a very strong response to our last conversation."

Then, if your partner seems open, ask questions such as: * What were you feeling? * What did I remind you of? * What didrepparttar 101975 situation remind you of?

Listen to everything your partner has to say. Remember compassion. Do not defend yourself, or negate anything your partner is saying. This is not about you.

6. At a later point, continuerepparttar 101976 discussion.

At a later point, discuss with your partner how you are similar and different fromrepparttar 101977 person who originally caused him or her pain. Clarify what you meant byrepparttar 101978 words that triggeredrepparttar 101979 overreaction. Discuss ways to deal with overreaction inrepparttar 101980 future, perhaps some key phrases you can say to each other to stop overreaction.

If you can followrepparttar 101981 above guidelines, you will find yourself in an intimate relationship with fewer fights and overreactions and much more closeness, intimacy and trust. You can userepparttar 101982 same process in any relationship, business or personal, withrepparttar 101983 same trust-building benefit.

Handling overreactions in others or in yourself is hard work, and you may find yourself wishing you had help. If this isrepparttar 101984 case, I am available to help, in both a one-time coaching session format or for ongoing coaching. For more info on how you can get help, go to http://www.whatittakes.com/Coaching/coachingservices.html

Wishing you an overreaction-free week!

Your Relationship Coach, Rinatta Paries www.WhatItTakes.com

(c) Rinatta Paries, 1998-2002. Do you know how to attract your ideal mate? Do you know how to build a fulfilling relationship, or how to reinvent yours to meet your needs? Relationship Coach Rinatta Paries can teach yourepparttar 101985 skills and techniques to attract and sustain long-term, healthy partnerships. Visit www.WhatItTakes.com where you'll find quizzes, classes, advice and a free weekly ezine. Become a "true love magnet(tm)!"

Having coined the phrase "relationship coach," Master Certified Coach Rinatta Paries works with singles to help them attract their ideal relationship, and helps couples create more love and fulfillment in their existing relationships. Visit her web site at www.WhatItTakes.com or e-mail her at coach@WhatItTakes.com.

Organizing and Cleaning-up Your Electronic Address Book

Written by Janet L. Hall

Continued from page 1

Now go and openrepparttar new file, it will be in EXCEL, adjustrepparttar 101972 columns and print out.


Basically you userepparttar 101973 same steps to sort as an Outlook Express user; however,repparttar 101974 wording is slightly different:

>>CLICK on Communicator >>CLICK on Address Book You will have more columns and you can even add more columns to sort on by clickingrepparttar 101975 side arrows atrepparttar 101976 bottom of your address book. You can also use VIEW. I did not see an Export Function in Netscape.

AOL Users:

I used a friend's AOL account to check out AOL's email functions and foundrepparttar 101977 email addresses were already sorted in ascending order. I did not find a way to sort or export. However you can edit and delete.

ACT! Users:

More then an E-Mail program, yet you can sort by CLICKING on EDIT and then CLICK SORT. You can sort your people up to three different ways, either in ascending or descending order. To EXPORT, go to FILE, CLICK Data Exchange, CLICK Export and followrepparttar 101978 wizard instructions.

Organizing Mass E-Mails:

If you find that you need to sendrepparttar 101979 same mail message to several people allrepparttar 101980 time, such as a team at work, or a committee you're on, you can put them in a Group (Outlook Express, AOL, and ACT!) or List (Netscape) so you don't have to look for or type their E-Mail address allrepparttar 101981 time.

Create a group in Outlook Express:

>>Open your E-Mail program >>CLICK on TOOLS >>CLICK on Address Book >>CLICK on NEW and CLICK NEW GROUP Name your Group (this is what you will type intorepparttar 101982 TO: when you want to send them allrepparttar 101983 same E-Mail). Now just followrepparttar 101984 instructions on your screen and start addingrepparttar 101985 people you want to be in this group.

AOL, ACT!, and Netscape programs have similar steps for creating groups. If you are using one of these programs, check out their HELP feature if you need help creating groups.

I have found that most E-Mail programs containrepparttar 101986 above basic functions for organizing your E-Mail addresses; however, it would be next to impossible to try and include them all here. You can discover what your E-Mail program can do by checking out their HELP Section and you just might stumble across some neat "stuff." ~~~~~ Janet L. Hall is a Professional Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She isrepparttar 101987 owner of OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to her FREE organizing newsletter at http://www.overhall.com/newsletter.htm or visit her web site at http://www.overhall.com

Copyright 2001 by OverHall Consulting P.O. Box 263, Port Republic, MD 20676 All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute so long as article is kept intact, this copyright notice and full information about contactingrepparttar 101988 author is attached.

Janet L. Hall is a Professional Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She is the owner of OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to her FREE organizing newsletter at http://www.overhall.com/newsletter.htm or visit her web site at http://www.overhall.com

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