Overcoming the Document Tracking Challenge

Written by Joe Miller

Continued from page 1

Let’s begin by chiseling down your 167 million choices by examining software that will meet your businesses document tracking needs.

Digital Thread

As you search throughrepparttar torrent of document tracking software available today you will notice a technology which propels some document tracking software ahead ofrepparttar 140006 rest. This technology is called Digital Thread. Document tracking with Digital Thread means that any document can be tracked through its various edits by a tag inrepparttar 140007 metadata ofrepparttar 140008 document. Asrepparttar 140009 drafts ofrepparttar 140010 document are sent back and forth, you will always be informed as torepparttar 140011 who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s, and how’s ofrepparttar 140012 document and its changes.

Digital Signature

The Digital Thread has successfully overcomerepparttar 140013 challenge of document tracking, and now Digital Signature comes into play by displaying in your outlook or whenever you open a document,repparttar 140014 who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s, and how’s ofrepparttar 140015 document and its drafts. Document tracking enables you to know exactly what you are looking for right when you openrepparttar 140016 document.

Version History

Often times a visual map or a family tree of your document simplifiesrepparttar 140017 document tracking process. Version history puts all ofrepparttar 140018 document tracking pieces together in a genealogy of drafts, which describesrepparttar 140019 who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s, and how’s ofrepparttar 140020 document tracking process.

Joe Miller is specialist in online advertising. For more information on document tracking, please visit NextPage.com.

Workflow Management Software: Businesses are Getting into the Flow

Written by Joe Miller

Continued from page 1

These do not have to be challenges. There is a way to whittle downrepparttar 8 million options available to find one that is easy to use and meets all of your business’s needs. In searching for workflow management software, most businesses are not interested in adding new IT to their technology. They simply want software that will work for themrepparttar 140005 minute it is downloaded. Search for workflow management software that does not require IT. It is easy to use and it is not at all intimidating. It is helpful to userepparttar 140006 free demo to see exactly howrepparttar 140007 workflow management software helps you to track document workflow and to see if it is what your business is looking for.

In addition to simple workflow management software, compatible software is what studies show businesses are looking for. By compatible, I mean that businesses use email to collaborate. That means that attachments are often included. Is there workflow management software able to track documents through email and computer drives? Is there workflow management software able to work withrepparttar 140008 most common office applications? The answer to both questions is yes.

New technologies are now available in workflow management software that enables you to track documents and its changes through email, desktops, and hard drives. This technology is called Digital Thread, and it threads document versions together, trackingrepparttar 140009 who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s, and how’s of documents.

That information is displayed every time you open up a document version from email or any other drive on your computer through Digital Signature. You always know what you are working on. If you need to seerepparttar 140010 bigger picture orrepparttar 140011 family tree ofrepparttar 140012 document versions, Version History compiles and displays a document genealogy for you. Tracking and tracing document steps through workflow management software puts you on solid ground again as you managerepparttar 140013 ebb and flow of a day atrepparttar 140014 office.

Joe Miller is specialist in online advertising. For more information on workflow management software, please visit NextPage.com.

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