Overcoming Fears And Unproductive Thinking

Written by Mike Vainshtein

Continued from page 1

Self-belief isrepparttar first step to achieving your goals.

People have achieved tremendous things, despite experiencing fears and doubts.

Why? Simple. They believed in their abilities to achieve their goals, and held strong to their desires to make their goals and dreams come true.

Acting despite of your fears towards achieving your goals will develop a great and vital characteristic, which is courage.

It’s your desire to achieve your goals, andrepparttar 105678 belief in your abilities that determinesrepparttar 105679 outcomes of your actions.

You live in a world where everything is possible if you choose and desire so.

Ultimately, you arerepparttar 105680 master of your life, andrepparttar 105681 dictator of your chosen destiny. It is in your hands to decide your abilities and potentials in regards to your goals and endeavors.

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.

Believing in your abilities, desiring to achieve your goals, and giving your full focus and effort, will ultimately ensure your success.

You can also contact Mike at Mike@RepsOfPain.com And Visit his website at www.repsofpain.com

Mike Vainshtein, a bodybuilder and motivational speaker, shares his power mental and motivational strategies to take your bodybuilding and life goals to a higher level.

Breaking the Chain

Written by Barbara Davidson

Continued from page 1

When I mention an uncelebrated life, I don’t mean a life that deservesrepparttar “medal of honor” but a life of love, happiness and laughter.

Whenrepparttar 105677 heck did I turn 33? I turned 33 while working to payrepparttar 105678 bills and while trying to “make something of myself”. Now I know that I am something and I have always been something. I am something all my own and unique to me that no one else but me can be and what a shame it is that I don’t share myself withrepparttar 105679 world (or in a smaller more likely circle, my friends and family). My special brand of something has been lost inrepparttar 105680 quest to make more money, get a better house, and get a better car, so I can actually be a worthy adult and satisfied with my station in life. What a load of bull!

Now I am satisfied with my station (my house, my car, my job) and anything else that comes along is a bonus and how lucky am I? What I have to do now is findrepparttar 105681 full potential of my special something and how can I apply it torepparttar 105682 people around me forrepparttar 105683 greater good?

Now, I have lost a lot of years withrepparttar 105684 false notion that what you have is what you are, so I have to hurry my process up a bit if I want to get a good 20-30 years of making a difference, but my son is young. And young people haverepparttar 105685 most valuable commodity known to man. They have youth. Youth meaning, energy, imagination and invincibility.

It is up to me now to not beat this most wonderful trait out of him by saying, “do good in school so you can go to college, so you can get a good job, so you can have a nice house, so you can marryrepparttar 105686 perfect wife, so you can have a huge mortgage and massive credit car debt sorepparttar 105687 byrepparttar 105688 time your 40 you hate your life”. I think you getrepparttar 105689 picture.

Deepak Chopra said in one of his books that he told his children not to worry about school and not to worry about money. That he would provide for them no matter what. They were to just concentrate on that one thing that makes them special. Of course, they went torepparttar 105690 best colleges and have wonderful jobs and became successful. He has brokenrepparttar 105691 cycle. Thank you, Deepak. I, too, wish to break this cycle.

I wish for my son to go on and findrepparttar 105692 reason why he is here on this earth, or atrepparttar 105693 very least what can he contribute that no one else can so when he is nearingrepparttar 105694 end of his life he can look back and say “Damn I am going to miss this life. It was fun!”



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