Overall Risk of Cancer Cut By 37%...

Written by Warren J. Matthews

Continued from page 1

They also found that those people who had only recently started taking supplements had no protection inrepparttar short term and thatrepparttar 115015 benefits only manifested themselves overrepparttar 115016 long term. This is an important point to remember. Start early not later. Increasing your immunity from cancer is a steady building up process overrepparttar 115017 long term.

This study ties in with another well known study in which selenium (inrepparttar 115018 correct form) was found to reducerepparttar 115019 incidence of all cancers by 37% and overall mortality from cancer by 50%.

These two studies only deal with vitamins and one mineral. They do not includerepparttar 115020 many reputable studies that have clearly established antioxidants on their own also play a major role in cancer prevention. Unfortunately most people never get to hear about most of these studies. If they did and they acted upon it a lot of pain and suffering could be avoided.

Now here is something to think about!

Ifrepparttar 115021 risk of cardiovascular disease and other diseases brought on by poor immunity can be reduced significantly by a simple multi vitamin, and further, thatrepparttar 115022 risk of colon/rectal cancer can be also reduced by 30% through multi-vitamins, and in addition, ifrepparttar 115023 risk of other cancers can be reduced by 37% by just one mineral,selenium.

What would happen to your overall risk profile if you didrepparttar 115024 following?

* You took allrepparttar 115025 key nutrients proven in clinical studies to be effective for cardiovascular health * Digestive health * Hormonal health * Key organ health includingrepparttar 115026 brain * And included selected enzymes and immunity enhancing herbal extracts * Usedrepparttar 115027 latest scientific knowledge of synergy and metabolic pathways to magnifyrepparttar 115028 effects ofrepparttar 115029 individual substances and you put them all into a capsule or tablet?

I knowrepparttar 115030 answer because we have done just this when we produced Total Balance which was developed firstly forrepparttar 115031 protection of my own family and secondly forrepparttar 115032 benefit of our customers world-wide. But... I can't tell you what I believe isrepparttar 115033 answer because I would get into trouble withrepparttar 115034 authorities as it is not proven as yet by clinical trials. Instead we can only relate to clinical studies that have been carried out onrepparttar 115035 individual nutrients that we use.

But... I can leave it to your imagination. To help your imagination whilst pondering on this I can tell you that multi-vitamin products are very weak (but they are inexpensive).

Other vitamin like products such asrepparttar 115036 quite common alpha lipoic acid are many more times potent that common vitamins. Same thing applies to some ofrepparttar 115037 other amino acids, herbal extracts and enzymes.

I've related to yourepparttar 115038 results ofrepparttar 115039 studies from a just a few vitamins and one mineral. I think that you would getrepparttar 115040 picture and understand what I am getting at if you studiedrepparttar 115041 ingredient list of Total Balance. The efficacy ofrepparttar 115042 Total Balance formula for overall health is not just a few times greater than a typical multi, but hundreds of time more potent. This is not an idle comment but one based on science.

It is important to aim to enter your latter years free fromrepparttar 115043 negative effects of pharmaceutical drugs. It is never too soon to start your prevention program!

Warren is the Chairman of Xtend Life Natural Products, designer and manufacturer of Total Balance, a highly advanced supplement designed to provide complete immune support. Total Balance is the worlds first multi-nutrient supplement featuring an enteric coating. This unique coating allows your body to absorb virtually 100% of it's 85 nutrients.

Available at ... http://www.InstantEnergyBoost.com

Scales are for fish, not weight loss.

Written by Dr. Jeff Banas

Continued from page 1

But they are still depressed because they only lost a lousy 2 pounds! Right? Are we sure???

We now check their body fat and it is now 36% not 40%. Let’s do a little math.

200 lbs at 40% body fat means that 40% of them is fat, which equals 80 lbs of FAT, and 120 lbs are muscles and everything else (calledrepparttar lean body mass).

198 lbs at 36% body fat means that 36% of them is fat which equals 71 lbs of FAT, and 125 lbs of lean body mass.

This person actually lost 9 pounds of FAT (the stuff we are trying to lose) and gained 5 pounds of lean body mass (mostly muscle mass, which is a good thing because this will allow their body to burn more calories!)

You need to measure and focus on PERCENT OF BODY FAT, AND NOT WEIGHT!

But don’t worry, when your body fat goes down, as your body fat decreases so willrepparttar 115014 numbers onrepparttar 115015 scale!

Dr. Jeffrey Banas is a Chiropractic Sports Physician, practicing in Mesa; AZ. Dr. Banas personally lost 60 pounds in 2003 and now uses his experience to help others struggling with their weight problems. Dr. Banas can be reached at his office at 480-633-6837, or by visiting his web site at www.personal-weight-loss-help.com

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