Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Will He Remember You ... the Way You Want Him To?

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1
Three weeks later, he showed themrepparttar same images. The women were 15% more likely to rememberrepparttar 130963 emotionally- charged pictures correctly. The fMRIs showed women store bothrepparttar 130964 memory andrepparttar 130965 emotion linked with it inrepparttar 130966 same parts ofrepparttar 130967 brain. Men, onrepparttar 130968 other hand, userepparttar 130969 same brain regions, but they storerepparttar 130970 emotions andrepparttar 130971 memories in different areas within them.

Environmental factors also play a role, researchers added. Girls are taught to manage their feelings by bringing them up and expressing them, while boys are taught to stuff them down in 'manly' silence.

If you're heartbroken that he couldn't remember how good it was, now you know why. You aren't nuts. You remembered it right, but he remembered it differently.

©Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach, coaching and Internet courses on emotional intelligence to enhance your career and relationships. www.susandunn.cc , mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for FREE ezine.

How to Run a Profitable Coaching Practice Using Your Emotional Intelligence

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

Are you controlling for allrepparttar variables you can control for -- answering email timely, addressing objections appropriately and with emotional intelligence? You can’t control forrepparttar 130961 fact you remind them of their mother-in-law; you can control for delivering what you promise.

Empathy: What does your voice sound like? Have you taken a voice makeover?

Authenticity: Do you have your own coach? If you believe in coaching, you believe in coaching. Get it?

Are you allowing plenty of time for NCs. I allow 1 ½ hours for NC intake. The first session is important. You must deal with “buyer’s remorse” and oftenrepparttar 130962 client has much they want to tell you.

Personal Power: Are you delegating? As soon as possible, hire a Virtual Assistant for logistics (sending out courses, for instance) and move up to a higher level. Virtual Assistants work for $10-$30 an hour. What’s your time worth? Do you ^get^ that ^the higher level^ will always be client service?

Have you established ease-of-payment? Credit cards? PayPal?

Are you organized or are client calls ^surprising^ you?

If they do ^surprise^ you, are you Flexible enough to land on your feet?

Does your equipment work or is your headset always falling off and your phone battery giving out?

Flexibility: Do you allowrepparttar 130963 client to shape their own coaching program? It’s their coaching.

Resilience: Do you see this as a professional practice, something that takes a while to build? Do you market consistently and constantly? Do you bounce back from rejections?

Have you developed your Intuition to make you an excellent coach, not just a good one?

Intentionality: Are you able to filter distractions and focus until you achieve your goals?

Do you know how to develop your clients' emotional intelligence? It will make your clients successful and you successful, and successful coaches who have successful clients have more clients.

For more information on emotional intelligence, go here: < http://www.susandunn.cc/EQ.htm > .

©Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach, offers individual coaching, The EQ Foundation Course© (available for licensing), EQ coach training, and marketing with EQ for coaches who want to succeed. Visit her on the web at www.susandunn.cc and mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc .

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