Organizing Your Day

Written by Chuck and Sue DeFiore

Continued from page 1

For those of you running a business other than lease purchasing you can do many ofrepparttar same things as those running a lease purchase business. The basics are stillrepparttar 117663 same, it is just you are working them in another area.

So, be sure you have a To Do List, a tickler file and a calendar. Have a trigger that starts your day. Put all you do on your calendar, and add in time for mishaps. If they don't occur, you'll have extra time. Split up your day to do your calling, letter writing, follow-up e-mails, mailings, meetings, and any additional things that occur for your particular business. Having a plan when to do what, and scheduling things when you feel more comfortable dealing with them, in effect,repparttar 117664 best time for you to do them, will go a long way in making for a smoother work day.

And remember to utilize that wasted time. For instance, while mail is coming down or you are printing something take care of something else. For example if you are printing a large document, or e-mailing a long document, get your filing done, read a short article, put dates on your calendar. Make a quick phone call, check supplies, you getrepparttar 117665 idea. By managing your time better it will allow you to get it all done.

Have you ever wondered how some people work two jobs, do volunteer work, and take care of their home and children? I do, they know how to manage their time.

Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2001

Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and they can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses.

Summertime Scheduling

Written by Chuck and Sue DeFiore

Continued from page 1

However, not all of you can do this. So what are your options.

1. You could work part time. Cut down your hours, so you can spend time withrepparttar children.

2. Hire someone to watchrepparttar 117662 children duringrepparttar 117663 summer, put them in a daycare, or send them to a day camp or camp setting.

3. Rearrange your work schedule. This isrepparttar 117664 most popular. For those that can, they just re-arrange their day. They start work later inrepparttar 117665 day and work intorepparttar 117666 evening so they can spendrepparttar 117667 daylight hours withrepparttar 117668 children.

4. Another option, if you and your spouse work together out ofrepparttar 117669 home, you can alternate days when each of you take care ofrepparttar 117670 children.

Be creative. You've dealt with these issues when you worked in corporate America. You managed then, you can manage now.

Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2001

Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and they can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses.

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