Organic Food: Truth or Fallacy?

Written by Margot B

Continued from page 1

The real farm food grown onrepparttar real family farm is not alwaysrepparttar 115820 same food contained in our frozen TV dinners. Now that agribusiness ownsrepparttar 115821 organic food companies, is 'organic' onrepparttar 115822 road to becoming meaningless? The whole meaning of 'organic' is changing.

The word 'organic' doesn't make any health claims. It is not a health, nutrition, or food-safety claim. It is a production standard - and we make our own health claims to this word. We bring our own personal beliefs to repparttar 115823 word 'organic'. The truly organic small family-farmer is going to have to replacerepparttar 115824 word 'organic'.

"I don't care ifrepparttar 115825 Wheaties are organic---I wouldn't use them for compost. Processed organic food is as bad as any other processed food." says Eliot Coleman, a Maine farmer and writer whose organic techniques have influence two generations of farmers.

Is "industrial organic" a contradiction in terms?

Resource: L.A.Times, May 13, 2001

By Margot B/Writer, Editor, & Web Site Developer, June 8 2001

Margot B is a published writer of a book and 100's of articles, specializing in health and environment. Web sites:

Anti-Repetitive Strain Injuries when working on the computer

Written by js yang

Continued from page 1

- The thousands of repeated keystrokes and long periods of clutching and dragging with mice slowly accumulates damage torepparttar body : another name forrepparttar 115819 condition is Cumulative Trauma Disorder. - This can happen even more quickly as a result of typing technique and body positions that place unnecessary stress onrepparttar 115820 tendons and nerves in repparttar 115821 hand, wrist, arms, and evenrepparttar 115822 shoulders and neck. - Lack of adequate rest and breaks and using excessive force almost guarantee trouble.


You may have heardrepparttar 115823 term Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in connection with these injuries, but in fact CTS is only a small and dangerous percentage of typing injuries. Tendinitis, Bursitis, Tenosynovitis, Tendonosis, DeQuervain's Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Trigger Finger/Thumb , Myofascial Pain Syndrome, and several other related conditions may also be to blame.

All of these are serious and in advanced cases can cause great pain and permanent disability.

In addition, patients injured by repetitive strain sometimes develop Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD).

#3 -- SOULUTION RSICover is an interactive, visual, ergonomic software for reducingrepparttar 115824 risk of painful repetitive strain injuries when working onrepparttar 115825 computer such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tenosynovitis.

Visitrepparttar 115826 following URL to learn more about how you can take up RSICover.


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