
Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

"The Tuatha de Danaan lived inrepparttar northern isles ofrepparttar 126687 world, learning lore and magic and Druidism and wizardry and cunning, until they surpassedrepparttar 126688 sages ofrepparttar 126689 arts of heathendom. There were four cities in which they learned lore and science and diabolic arts, to wit Falias and Gorias, Murias and Findias {Or Finias and possible Phineas Pharsa of legend's home.}. Out of Falias was broughtrepparttar 126690 Stone of Fal which was in Tara {In Eire, thus Falias was a provincial capitol city and Tararepparttar 126691 spiritual center ofrepparttar 126692 whole Keltic clandom.}. It used to roar under every king that would takerepparttar 126693 realm of Ireland. Out of Gorias was broughtrepparttar 126694 Spear that Lug had. No battle was ever won against it or him who held it in his hand. Out of Findias was broughtrepparttar 126695 Sword of Nuada. When it was drawn from its deadly sheath, no one ever escaped from it, and it was irresistible. Out of Murias was broughtrepparttar 126696 Dagda's Cauldron. No company ever went from it unthankful. Four wizards (there were) in those four cities. Morfesa was in Falias: Estas was in Gorias: Uscias was in Findias: Semitas {Is thisrepparttar 126697 root of Semite?} was in Murias. Those arerepparttar 126698 four poets of whomrepparttar 126699 Tuatha De learnt lore and science."

Fromrepparttar 126700 commentaries on Keltic lore that I have read andrepparttar 126701 references torepparttar 126702 tales of Ossian commentators; I think there is a great deal of time up torepparttar 126703 current and corrupt presentation. Corrupted by years of telling tales and Christian re-writes ofrepparttar 126704 same tales. It therefore seems likely I would gain far less fromrepparttar 126705 tales of Ossian than I might hope for. The archaeological and historic record serves me better I hope. The truth is all I can do is make guesses. The phrase 'out of _____was brought' suggested they were often onrepparttar 126706 move. The glacial effects were definitely a part of that forrepparttar 126707 period from 13,000 B.C. till 4,000 B.C. and where these four cities were at any particular time would makerepparttar 126708 telling of legends absolutely difficult to say for sure if that wererepparttar 126709 only factor. There is no question that major centers of influence can be identified and we can look to certain technologies and social factors or names and languages to help our guesswork. Memphis was a clearly important religious center with a focus onrepparttar 126710 magical sciences.

Malta was more of an ashram or training center and might also have hadrepparttar 126711 top secret 'chaos scientists' who worked on developing technologies likerepparttar 126712 Pyramid/Earth Energy Grid. There are those like Boorstein who claim Crete was Atlantis all on its own. The Iberias may have been associated in a corporate trading enterprise that includedrepparttar 126713 Americas and Basque as well asrepparttar 126714 post flood region ofrepparttar 126715 Black Sea. The region betweenrepparttar 126716 Black and Caspian Sea was known as Iberia and had a capitol or main city ofrepparttar 126717 same name. It is now called Tiflis. The Iliad saysrepparttar 126718 Amazons came from this region. The Amazons were women fighters ofrepparttar 126719 Kelts as I see it. Atrepparttar 126720 same time Iberia was developingrepparttar 126721 Tagus to Massalia (current Marseilles) region with Phocaean and Milesian peoples who are remnants ofrepparttar 126722 Royal House of Mallia on Crete from 2000BC. whenrepparttar 126723 anti-egalitarian movement really took off. Inrepparttar 126724 Bible we read aboutrepparttar 126725 ships of Tarshis that traveled between these two Iberias, and their outposts including Anatolian archaeological digs.

Go to World-Mysteries.com for more of my work.

Cousins in Christ, O Night Divine

Written by Lisa M. Hendey

Continued from page 1

Children must be taught (in words and example) to love what is good and wholesome and develop their consciences to be uncomfortable with that which offends God. Fill your house with joyful music and your children will develop proper musical taste. Be sure to have a healthy mix of secular and sacred music, so that your children are exposed to a wide variety of musical styles. You should also network with other parents about what their family has enjoyed.

A: Who are some ofrepparttar Cousins influences and favorite recording artists?

One of our favorite artists is John Groban. We are all Grobanites and just recently went to his concert in Chicago. He is an amazing vocalist and performer. Cecilia Bartoli, an opera mezzo-soprano is a favorite ofrepparttar 126686 girls, whilerepparttar 126687 guys like Celine Dion-along with many other artists. We’ve also performed in many musicals and have a great appreciation of Broadway andrepparttar 126688 Big Band Era. We’ve been greatly influenced by our good friend and fellow Catholic artist Mary Anne LaHood. We like to sing and perform numerous oldies, especially music fromrepparttar 126689 50’s. Other favorites include many Catholic and Christian artists.

We’ve also been greatly influenced byrepparttar 126690 wonderful voice teachers we’ve learned from overrepparttar 126691 years. Q: O Night Divine is such a beautiful Christmas gift! How did you decide to record a Christmas CD and how did you selectrepparttar 126692 songs forrepparttar 126693 CD? A: There are so many beautiful and joyful Christmas songs that we couldn’t resist!

Christmas has become secularized overrepparttar 126694 years, yetrepparttar 126695 airwaves are still filled withrepparttar 126696 joyful news ofrepparttar 126697 birth ofrepparttar 126698 Savior – in song! We saw an opportunity to expand our music ministry to a wider audience and to attract more teens and young adults torepparttar 126699 good news of Christ!

Each ofrepparttar 126700 Cousins picked personal favorites for solos that showcased his or her voice. As a group we selected some longtime family favorites, and some traditional Latin tunes. We had a lot of fun composing harmonies, resulting in fresh new renditions of old time carols. O Little Town of Bethlehem has a jazzy/pop element; Joy torepparttar 126701 World is a bold, upbeat, and driving rendition, whilerepparttar 126702 Acapella Dona Nobis Pacem reminds us of howrepparttar 126703 angels must have sung of Peace on Earth at Jesus’ birth.

O Night Divine was a completely different experience compared torepparttar 126704 other albums. First of all, this isrepparttar 126705 only CD that we,repparttar 126706 Cousins, co-produced. We were involved in every step of its creation, while onrepparttar 126707 other albums we merely sang. Justrepparttar 126708 recording experience itself was incredible. It had been years sincerepparttar 126709 last album we had recorded together and we had a totally different mentality. We wanted to create something different and something that expressed how we had matured fromrepparttar 126710 last album. We tried multiple new ideas, likerepparttar 126711 idea of a pop version of O Little Town of Bethlehem. After multiple attempts, we were ready to droprepparttar 126712 idea. At this time, is where our amazing friend and producer Gary Loizzo came into play. Gary isrepparttar 126713 sound producer forrepparttar 126714 group “Styx” and is incredibly talented with music. He saw something in this song that we had missed. We should have known that this is what decades of recording experience will get you. Despite Rose’s requests to just canrepparttar 126715 idea, Gary insisted that we continue, promising thatrepparttar 126716 song would be great. He really is responsible forrepparttar 126717 outcome of that song. Justrepparttar 126718 experience of this song alone was worthrepparttar 126719 recording session. Each ofrepparttar 126720 other songs has their story, and while it might not have been as significant an event as O Little Town, each of us really enjoyed and grew not only as performers, but also as persons from this wonderful experience.

Reflecting on this album has led us to realize that with three other CDs behind us, O Night Divine might be seen asrepparttar 126721 perfect ending point. But we all see it asrepparttar 126722 beginning of a new twist torepparttar 126723 Cousins in Christ music collection. We had so many other songs we would have liked to have recorded. We’ll have to save those forrepparttar 126724 next Christmas CD!

Q: Do you have any future projects inrepparttar 126725 works?

A: The future includes many live performances both individually and as a group. We’re often asked to sing at conferences, conventions, fundraisers, weddings and special Diocesan occasions. We feel more and more called to produce secular music, in addition to religious, to influencerepparttar 126726 general public as good role models. We believerepparttar 126727 Christmas CD will reach a wider audience as we are working with major distributors and nationwide chain stores forrepparttar 126728 first time. We believe a Broadway CD is inrepparttar 126729 future, but have not set a timeframe for it yet.

For more information on Cousins in Christ visit them at www.roseofsharonmedia.com

Lisa M. Hendey, webmaster of CatholicMom.com, writes from Fresno, California.

Lisa M. Hendey, webmaster of CatholicMom.com, writes from Fresno, California.

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