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Sadly, many "good" Catholics have jumped aboard this guilt-free cultural bandwagon. In fact, thousands who declare themselves pro-life on abortion issue vehemently defend their "right" to contraception. Their participation is often justified by simple disclaimers like, "I just don't happen to agree with Church on that issue." The more defiant will assert that, "The Church has no business in my bedroom" or ever-popular, "What does pope know about cost of raising kids?"
These fellow Catholics either fail to fully realize, or they simply deny, fact that every chemical method of contraception is abortifacient. Every pill, implant, or injection, whether before or morning after, works to ensure pregnancy does not occur. They all do this by flushing out a fertilized egg if necessary. This is abortion. It is a clinical fact. A completely unique human life is summarily ended in privacy of our own home.
This reality cannot be softened or denied. It cannot be politically corrected. Drug companies even try to mitigate evil by redefining when life begins. They attempt to sell us on notion that life does not begin at conception but at implantation or first sensation. This is a lie. Adopting this notion, however, helps couples assuage any lingering guilt while buying more time for vendor's product to be used. The number of innocent lives brought to an end each day in abortion mills pales in comparison to those ended in American bedroom.
Enter John Kerry, poster boy for disobedience to Church's teachings. He embraces abortion while brazenly accepting Eucharist. How many "good" Catholics join him and "obstinately persist in manifest grave sin?" Some of these same Catholics publicly lambaste Senator Kerry for his abortion stand yet knowingly engage in contraceptive practices themselves. Others quietly support his behavior in order to prolong "legitimacy" of abortion and protect their contraceptive choices. Like our defiant Senator, are any of these folks piously accepting Eucharist each Sunday? Like him, are they fooling themselves by proclaiming that their faith life is separate from their "real" life?
Senator Kerry is most definitely in need of our prayers. He needs to turn in humility to Holy Mother Church. He needs to meet with his bishop to obtain knowledge and guidance he lacks. Most of all, he needs to honor Eucharist.
Many of us must also undertake this same journey. Before wallowing in scandal incited by a politician, each of us must look hard at our own level of Christian obedience. Perhaps we have been duped into participation in culture of death. If so, are we willing to embrace "new morality" at price of our very souls?
Gary Shirley, his wife, and three children are members of St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Kennesaw, Georgia, where Gary serves as catechist in the adult education program. Gary is an Archdiocese of Atlanta certified catechist (both PSR and RCIA) with 14 years teaching experience. Email him at