Online Success, By The Numbers

Written by Paula Morrow

Continued from page 1

The numbers:

1 sale, multiplied by $50 per sale, divided by 50 visitors, equals $1.

Now, your goal is to pay LESS thanrepparttar $1 cost per visitor - this difference is your profit.

You have to have a firm sense of your cost per visitor before moving forward with an expensive advertising campaign! Or you may soon find yourself overextended, and operating inrepparttar 108978 red.

2. Capture Those Non-Customer Email Addresses!

Now, before you run out and start to place ads, there will be an increased level flowing through your site very soon. Remember our 50 visitor to one sale ratio from earlier? One will buy...but 49 won't. You have to have a way to capturerepparttar 108979 non-purchasing visitor emails for future marketing efforts.

How to entice them to give up their addresses? Have sign up fields to your ezine on each and every page of your web site. Offer free information, in return for their email addresses (a free report, a multi-part mini course, a free ebook, etc.)

3. Track Your Way To Success

Finally, before you start advertising, you must have a way to track your results. Otherwise, you'll have no way of knowing which advertising vehicles are performing for you...which to keep, which to discard.

Sam Robbins' Adminder is one piece of software that is highly rated, and heavily used:

If you successfully do all three ofrepparttar 108980 above, you'll be able to proceed with placing your ads with confidence, firm inrepparttar 108981 knowledge that you're operating your business at a profit (and not running inrepparttar 108982 red).

Paula Morrow heads Ideal Marketing Corporation, specializing in information products and training for newbie netpreneurs. Subscribe to IDEALProfits, now read in 12 countries, and receive 5 bonus ebooks!

Don't Envy The Gurus - Be One!

Written by Paula Morrow

Continued from page 1

Just keep your release to a page and a half, atrepparttar most. Double-spaced.

Always put your most important information inrepparttar 108977 first two paragraphs, in caserepparttar 108978 reader decides not to finishrepparttar 108979 document! And never make a blatant sales pitch in your press release. It'll be tossed/ deleted, trust me.

If possible, link your announcement to a current trend, giving it a news 'hook.' Give it some relevance to what's going on inrepparttar 108980 world. You'll improve your chances of getting picked up this way.

*Articles To Offline and Online Media. Write informative articles based on your personal experiences and knowledge. Submit an ongoing series to article directories, like-minded web sites, post them in your own newsletter, send to offline newspapers and magazines, etc.

One article won't do it - you have to create continued exposure.

Don't forget to include a 4-6 line resource box atrepparttar 108981 bottom of all online articles you submit. Same with offline media - they always have an 'aboutrepparttar 108982 author' paragraph atrepparttar 108983 bottom articles written by non-staff personnel.

All of these efforts will result in increased sales, as people like doing business with a helpful expert. It upsrepparttar 108984 perceived value of your product or service immensely.

Realize thatrepparttar 108985 Internet is still wide open for those seeking guru status. Just pick your niche and get going!

Paula Morrow heads Ideal Marketing Corporation, specializing in information products and training for newbie netpreneurs. Subscribe to IDEALProfits, now read in 12 countries, and receive 5 bonus ebooks!

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