Online Press Rooms Save the Media Time and Frustration

Written by Marcia Yudkin

Continued from page 1

* Prewritten use-as-is stories or tips

* Audio or video clips, especially for music performers

The more livelyrepparttar style in which all ofrepparttar 105471 above comes across,repparttar 105472 more likely you are to get journalists passing through to stay awhile and start thinking about how they can use what you've provided. Corporate-speak may please internal bosses, but it gets inrepparttar 105473 way here and may even provide fodder forrepparttar 105474 many sites that make fun of pretentious marketing blather.

Keep in mind that onrepparttar 105475 Web, media from all overrepparttar 105476 world and from outside of your industry can access your press room, so avoid acronyms and insertrepparttar 105477 kinds of background explanations that would be found in a quality news story. Dates are especially important to present unambiguously. Jakob Nielsen reported a case where a European reporter dismissed a company's news as old because it was dated 10-3- 2000, which to him meant March 10 rather thanrepparttar 105478 intended October 3.

Nielsen also pointed out thatrepparttar 105479 journalists, whom his team observed in their actual work environment, often were using old software or hardware which crashed when trying to access PDF files or Flash sites. Remember that despiterepparttar 105480 apparent convenience of downloadable files, some media folks may for many reasons still prefer to receive a physical copy of your photos or your product - or a traditional all-in-one-folder, expensive-to-mail PR kit.

An online press room meets some needs, but not all, so be prepared to fulfill old-fashioned requests as well.

Marcia Yudkin is the author of the classic guide to comprehensive PR, "6 Steps to Free Publicity," now for sale in an updated edition at and in bookstores everywhere. She also spills the secrets on advanced tactics for today's publicity seekers in "Powerful, Painless Online Publicity," available from .

Your Time of Blazing Noon

Written by Joe Vitale

Continued from page 1

I could go on and on. The point is this: Life will always have ups and downs. The secret is to flow withrepparttar tide as best we can. Complaining about what is keeps you from spotting or even creating new opportunities.

In every panic, in every generation, men and women with eyes wide open saw and seized opportunities.

Whether it was George Washington who went on to become president and build his own fortune, or P.T. Barnum who went on to prosper duringrepparttar 105470 Civil War,repparttar 105471 fact remains:

Circumstances don't make you, you make you.

This "bad time" might becomerepparttar 105472 greatest period of prosperity for you.

Maybe you just have to relax your demands. In 1941 Bruce Barton wrote, "I have been out of a job three times in my life. Each time I made a survey of my surroundings and discovered that there was work to be done, though notrepparttar 105473 same kind of work I had been doing."

Barton was a best-selling author, Congressman, popular speaker, and founder of one ofrepparttar 105474 largest advertising agencies inrepparttar 105475 world, BBDO. He also became a millionaire.

And don't fall forrepparttar 105476 trap thatrepparttar 105477 past was better thanrepparttar 105478 present. In 1907repparttar 105479 famous tycoon John Rockefeller said:

"People sometimes talk as if we older men lived in a day of peculiar opportunity, as if there were no chance today for a young man to do what has been done by my generation of men, as if allrepparttar 105480 avenues were closed, allrepparttar 105481 big things done. Nothing could be more mistaken. Why,repparttar 105482 time in which I opened my eyes was a midnight of darkness, and this is blazing noon."

A word torepparttar 105483 wise: Listen, act and prosper.

There are opportunities around you.

Which will you see first and act on now?

This is your time of blazing noon.

Joe Vitale's newest book will be "The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History!," to be released in May. He is author of numerous other books, including the international #1 best-seller, "Spiritual Marketing," the best-selling e-book, "Hypnotic Writing," and the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, "The Power of Outrageous Marketing." Sign up for his famous newsletter at

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